Biden, Trump, and 5 Other Politicians Accused of Sexual Misconduct

politic misconduct
Photo by Evan El-Amin from Shutterstock

Former President Donald Trump

I think that out of all the political figures on this list, former President Donald Trump is the least surprising name. Republican Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency in November 2016, while he was accused of several se*ual misconduct allegations.

By the end of his first year in office, Trump had piled up a series of accusations of unwanted se*ual advances from over a dozen women, who claimed that the incidents occurred a long time before he even entered politics.

In fact, it seems that many of them took place in the 1990s, when he was still just a prominent businessman in America. Naturally, Trump denied these accusations, and during his mandate, the White House accused the women of fabricating the truth.

The allegations also included unwanted kissing and groping. Ultimately, Trump lost his re-election bid in 2020 but still got 74.2 million votes, which is the second-highest total ever.

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3 Responses

  1. Joe Biden is completely incompetent!! Our economy was going well when Trump was president!!! Biden sold us out to China!!

    1. That is a load of Bull sh^t!! Our company shutdown in March 2020…….when YOUR P O S azzwipe president was in office. First time in 33 years I had to go to unemployment!!! After Biden became president we got our company up and running with a $3.90 per hour raise. Trump will forever be the azzhole who killed our country and the reason this whole worldwide level of inflation.

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