Biden, Trump, and 5 Other Politicians Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Photo by a katz from Shutterstock

Former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

Eric Schneiderman resigned as New York attorney general back in May 2018, right after The New Yorker magazine published a report that showed how four women with whom he had been romantically involved alleged that he also abused them.

Schneiderman contested these allegations, but at the same time, he also decided to step down within a couple of hours after their statements became public, after receiving a call from Cuomo himself, who advised him to do so.

There are many examples of political figures or public figures in general who had to face this kind of accusation, denied it, and then proceeded to step down from their duties, which makes you wonder if those accusations were, in fact, true or not.

Former Senator Al Franken of Minnesota

Al Franken decided to leave his U.S. Senate seat in January 2018, right after a couple of serious se*ual misconduct accusations that further prompted most of his Democratic colleagues to force him to resign.

Franken was a former comedian from Minnesota who became a prominent political figure. He completely denied some of those allegations, which stated that he groped and even tried to kiss women without asking for their consent.

He also added, “Others I remember very differently. While a Senate Ethics Committee investigation was pending, calls for the former senator’s ouster arose.

A year and a half later, Franken declared that he regretted quitting. Moreover, seven of his Democratic peers also declared that they regretted having asked him to quit.

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3 Responses

  1. Joe Biden is completely incompetent!! Our economy was going well when Trump was president!!! Biden sold us out to China!!

    1. That is a load of Bull sh^t!! Our company shutdown in March 2020…….when YOUR P O S azzwipe president was in office. First time in 33 years I had to go to unemployment!!! After Biden became president we got our company up and running with a $3.90 per hour raise. Trump will forever be the azzhole who killed our country and the reason this whole worldwide level of inflation.

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