The U.S. Supreme Court’s Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh
The United States Senate confirmed that Brett Kavanaugh was invested as an associate justice of the Supreme Court in October 2018, notwithstanding a 36-year-old se*ual assault allegation that ultimately became the subject of grueling testimony.
University professor Christine Blasey Ford declared in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee that she deeply feared Kavanaugh would rape and even kill her during the alleged assault that took place in 1982 when they were both high school students in Maryland.
Kavanaugh was nominated by Trump, and he, as you might have guessed, categorically denied the allegation.
Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer
Eliot Spitzer decided to step down as New York governor in March 2008 after a rather explicit report surfaced that he was the owner of a prostitute ring.
Spitzer, a well-known Democrat, apologized for his “private failings”, but he failed to refer specifically to the report at the time. A couple of months later, he admitted he was, in fact, involved with the ring after a federal prosecutor declined to bring charges.
Since we mentioned former President Donald Trump, there’s a certain documentary worth your while. It’s called “Trumping Democracy,” and you can find it here.
You will be shocked to find out the means by which Trump decided to use social media to win his first elections, using various data all over the Internet and breaching personal information to his own advantage.
If you enjoyed reading this article, then you also need to read this one: The Strange Link Between US Presidents and American Wars
3 Responses
Joe Biden is completely incompetent!! Our economy was going well when Trump was president!!! Biden sold us out to China!!
That is a load of Bull sh^t!! Our company shutdown in March 2020…….when YOUR P O S azzwipe president was in office. First time in 33 years I had to go to unemployment!!! After Biden became president we got our company up and running with a $3.90 per hour raise. Trump will forever be the azzhole who killed our country and the reason this whole worldwide level of inflation.
Biden SUCKS!!