The agency is believed to play a rather significant role in China’s domestic and international security and stability, mounting various challenges at home and abroad.
In the context of China’s growing clout and geopolitical frictions, experts believe that it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Beijing is seeking to establish or even expand surveillance facilities in Cuba, or in fact, anywhere else, with the US as the main target.
In the meantime, intelligence gathering in China has become much harder. Xi slowly consolidated his power and became increasingly focused on security, such as building out the state’s ability to monitor its citizens, both online and through China’s extensive surveillance infrastructure.
The task of collecting intelligence in China has become harder than ever and, somehow, more necessary than ever. There are increasing challenges in gaining insight into the government under the centralized leadership of XI, who has an incredibly small circle of trust. China is building a domestic “surveillance panopticon”, which also enables its counterintelligence.
One Response
Do what I do, stay away from all political news and then just vote for the Republican of your choice but vote. Ha ha ha. An old line from a 1960 JFK First Family comedy album that said “Vote for the Kennedy of your choice but vote. “