3 Ways the Chinese Try to Turn American Voters Against Each Other

Chinese intelligence
Photo by Gorodenkoff from Shutterstock

China’s spy game

As it turns out, the Chinese leader Xi Jinping decided to pursue a far more assertive foreign policy than all the other dictators. Of course, this has also been accompanied by a constant emphasis on investing in intelligence capacities, modernizing all technology, and improving coordination among various security agencies.

China’s intelligence activities now fall under departments within the People’s Liberation Army, as well as its wide civilian agency known as the Ministry of State Security.

There are also other parts of the Communist Party apparatus that play a very important role in activities besides conventional intelligence gathering.

For instance, the MSS was established in 1983, and it oversees intelligence and counterintelligence both within China and other countries overseas. Moreover, it was meant to be a combination of the CIA and FBI, but even more secretive. There’s no public website to describe its activities.

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One Response

  1. Do what I do, stay away from all political news and then just vote for the Republican of your choice but vote. Ha ha ha. An old line from a 1960 JFK First Family comedy album that said “Vote for the Kennedy of your choice but vote. “

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