3 Ways the Chinese Try to Turn American Voters Against Each Other

Chinese intelligence
Photo by Gorodenkoff from Shutterstock

Mounting concerns

This comes in contrast with what a couple of US lawmakers and commentators think has been a relaxed approach to national security in China, where private businesses are beholden to the ruling Communist Party, which is also seeking to keep constant tabs on its citizens over the seas.

Experts also warned about the overlap between espionage efforts and operations such as China’s United Front, a well-known sprawling network of groups that manage the party’s relationship with non-party industries, organizations, and even individuals around the world.

There’s increasing concern regarding the Chinese intelligence gathering, especially since it has exploded in the last couple of years in the United States.

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One Response

  1. Do what I do, stay away from all political news and then just vote for the Republican of your choice but vote. Ha ha ha. An old line from a 1960 JFK First Family comedy album that said “Vote for the Kennedy of your choice but vote. “

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