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11 Things No US President Can Ever Do (but You Can)

Photo by d13 from Shutterstock

3. Going to the cinema

Unfortunately, this is another thing that’s not allowed to be done once you become president. If there is a movie that has just been released and the president wishes to see it, it can be brought to the White House. This is called “home theater,” which is a dedicated space that looks similar to a cinema room with comfortable chairs and a big screen.

Popcorn, nachos, and a couple of sodas are allowed too, you know, for the family to get the same cinematic experience as in a regular cinema. It can’t be that bad, right? What do you think about this particular rule? Tell us in the comments section.

4. Use social media unsupervised

Were you afraid that Facebook might read and access your contacts? Well, in the case of a president, things are much more complicated than this. The Secret Service must be on guard for new security dangers since technology is developing at an exponential rate.

Both President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump were subject to the most recent limitations, which requested that they stop posting and tweeting after taking office or drastically reduce their usage.

The fact that the president is never permitted to restrict users on social media contradicts the First Amendment and also ranks quite high on the list of rigorous regulations.

If social media is the place where regular human beings can post and share everything they want to, things are different if you’re the most powerful man in the world.

5. Open the windows

A president is not permitted to open a bulletproof window at the White House due to security concerns. This likewise holds for bulletproof automobile glass designed to protect the president.

Michelle Obama, a former first lady, claimed she was an exception since an agent once allowed her to leave the window open for less than five minutes while traveling to Camp David. Now that was a premiere!

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