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11 Things No US President Can Ever Do (but You Can)

Photo by EQRoy from Shutterstock

10. Regular American Airlines is a big NO when it comes to travel

Does the most powerful individual in the world have a strong desire to travel? Well, no problem. But what about taking a regular plane like everybody else? “Sorry, this isn’t possible!” After all, with all that security and your own Air Force 1, there is no need to sit in an uncomfortable chair like those on commercial airlines for 2 hours or more, depending on the distance.

11. Accept highly expensive gifts

Oh, snap! Well, even on this matter, there are severe rules. Back in 2017, a gift law was passed, and it stated that if the President of the U.S. receives a gift, it shouldn’t be more than $400; otherwise, it will be turned over. Anything else with a smaller value is considered a nice gesture!

Keen on this topic? We have a lot more articles based on presidents. Here’s one of our favorites: 7 Weirdest Things Joe Biden Does at the White House.

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