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11 Things No US President Can Ever Do (but You Can)

Photo by Salma Bashir Motiwala from Shutterstock

1. Clean their office space

Now, you have to excuse me, but I don’t know why this is a problem. Coming to the office in a clean space where somebody else is paid to do that for you? I think it’s brilliant! Jokes aside, the President is not allowed to throw away documents, delete his email inbox, or mess around with office supplies.

In case Mr. President wants to tidy the office or re-arrange stuff around it, he must ask for permission first because there is a team at the White House that will sort and clean things before something is tossed.

2. Drive

Another common thing the president is not allowed to do is drive a car. Why? Because the driver must be a person who is well-trained and prepared for any risky situation that might appear, Since the killing of former President J.F. Kennedy, the Secret Service has continued to believe that having the U.S. President behind the wheel is a very risky thing.

The very last president to be permitted to drive on public roadways was Lyndon Johnson. This is only a basic safety precaution because it is far simpler to defend someone in the backseat than it is to defend someone standing in front of the steering wheel.

He can drive a car only on private properties or in a controlled area like a golf course, for example. Moreover, even after leaving the office, they will lose their driving permit.

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