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These Are the 4 Most Dishonest Politicians in America

Image By Sheila Fitzgerald Jr From Shutterstock

3. Edwin Edwards

This politician is a former Louisiana governor who served four terms. The timeline of his political career goes as follows: From 1965 until 1972, Edwards was the United States Representative for Louisiana’s 7th congressional district. Then he became governor in 1972 and served two terms in a row until 1980. Edwards subsequently served again from 1984 until 1988. Then, lastly, from 1992 until 1996.

He was a popular governor, but he was also one of America’s most deceitful politicians. He appeared unstoppable in court, having defeated 24 distinct accusations against him since the beginning of his career in the 1970s. But his luck ran out on the 25th case. It seems like 25 was not his lucky number.

A federal grand jury accused him in 1998 of extorting millions of dollars in bribes for state casino licenses. And as a consequence, he was convicted on 17 charges and imprisoned for more than 8 years. But if you think that made him end his political career, you are wrong. Edwatss was teased to be in the spotlight again, and as a result, he attempted one more political return in 2014, at the age of 87.

If you want to learn more about this politician, this book might be a good start.

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67 Responses

      1. really? so corrupt he didn’t even take payment for being president. My business prospered under Trump. I lost 30K a year and had to lay off 8 men under biden. our nation is flooded with illegals that have raised crime. we spent billions on Ukraine that can’t be accounted for. I doubt you see what corruption is.——– I, Grampa

        1. Just because Trump said he wouldn’t accept payment doesn’t mean he didn’t. He’s been a conman all of his life. He criticized Obama for spending too much time playing golf, then played twice as much in 4 years. He thinks dying in war makes you a loser.There’s a reason Putin wants Trump to be president.

          1. You are a bot , or being conned or stupid. Trump had our country great. Biden Harris destroyed everything. Inflation, taxes. Gas, groceries, necessities so high we can’t live. Millions of illegal criminal aliens robbing. Killing, raping Americans taking over cities. Harris is a radical socialist. She destroyed California. Tired of Harris Biden destroying our lives. Harris wants to take away our guns. Our gas vehicles, our food. Russia, China, North Korea are helping Harris. Will take over if Harris wins. World War 3 will happen. If you love radical communist government move to Venezuela please. I’m voting red Trump Vance to save our freedoms and America!!

        2. With trump, it’s all a show. Not taking a salary was grandstanding. He was attempting to puff himself up like he is such a great guy and he is the furthest thing from that. It’s all about the spectacle and bamboozling people. He didn’t need the money, but he was still getting paid, from multiple sources and stealing and thieving from everyone he possibly could and not paying people and filing bankruptcy 6 times. The reason your business prospered had nothing to do with tRump. He was handed a country that was working and healthy because everyone had access to healthcare and you likely had money tied up in the stockmarket. Trump believes that is the economy. It is not. The economy involves many things and the stock market is only small part of it. The real economy is what we produce, something called the gross national product. Trump and his business produce nothing except profits for himself. He paid taxes only one time in his life, a whopping $750 and that probably killed him to have to do that. I’m just a worker be and I have always paid far more than that and I’ve done in for 45 years. Trump took millions of dollars in refunds. He and his children embezzled money from a children’s cancer fund. So, I ask you, is that the mark of great man or even a good man? Not in my book. The economy was starting to turn with Covid whuch left millions dead and this president could have done something about it. He didn’t until it was too late. He takes credit for many things regarding it if he felt it would make him look good, but it was our scientists and professionals and the working class that pulled us out of that and kept America running. Biden’s only real mistake was trying to move us away from fossil fuels and using electricity as our sole source po energy and power and America was not ready for it. Why? Because the majority of Americans cannot afford a S75-100 thousand Tesla automobile and we didn’t have the infrastructure to handle that. Our nation is not flooded with illegals as he says over and over. We do have many immigrants. We are a nation built on immigrants from other lands. No matter where people come from, they know right from wrong and we have had plenty of crime in this country from it’s beginning. You are laways going to have that and a few bad apples have gotten through. But most are just downtrodden people who cannot survive in their own countries and come here seeking a better way of like for themselves and their families. Ukraine is an ally of the United States. They became a sovereign nation with the breakup of the Soviet Union and as such have the right to self determination on how they want to run thier country. Putin wanted their resources is all. The United States has been quietly at war with Russia by proxy for decades. Regardless of that, we have pledge and promised to help them as much as we can, but we cannot fight their wars directly for them. If monies can’t be accounted for you likely don’t have to think too hard to realize what happened to them. That is the problem when a nation is under siege. The wrong people get the funds and much is stolen. Trump nearly caused the downfall of democracy in this nation. He is a sexual predator, a womanizer, a bigot and a racist, a narcissist and the most profound liar of all time. He is a buffoon, a con man and a criminal and unfit to lead this country. He has already proven that he cannot be trusted and he has or will sell this country out for a dollar. He wants to be a King or a dictator. He doesn’t even obey our laws. He thumbs his nose at them. Really, it would be best for all of us if he just died. He is an awful human being who never did anything for anyone without getting something in return and he ALWAYS expects something in returns. You can’t and shouldn’t believe anything he says. It will be a lie. I can see right through him. I feel bad for those who can’t. All I can do is lead them to the truth about him.

    1. Trump is Golden. He brings what he has with him to the White House. He lavishly supplies our armed service men so they can protect our country and he treats them with the respect they deserve. He brings about law and order. He uses common sense to negotiate with foreign countries. He seals our borders so drug Lords get caught saving millions of American lives while preserving their better judgement. Trump knows that druggies can’t help themselves or their country.

      1. Julie you are totally out of touch with reality. Educate yourself. People like you who are victims of the Trump con will bring this country down by your uneducated narrow view. You are being conned by an expert at cheating and lying. Please look at facts not his rhetoric

      2. hahaha- the true drug Lords are the pharmaceutical company giants.
        clearly you have only a racist view of things. No Mexican cartel leader is trying to come inside the United States. Americans want to go to Mexico to vacation on its’ beaches. Trump could give two fks about our armed forces. Common sense was never one of his strong points- only divide and conquer.

    2. Open your eyes, Trump never took a paycheck, worked tirelessly 18 hours a day. Was condemned for playing one round of golf. Had the Dems constantly at his throat. Trump made everyone’s life better. Just looking at our child sniffing, old relic that has lived off the backs of Americans for half a century and never did anything to make our lives better. My challenge to you is watch a few hours of Fox for the truth. And please get your facts before criticizing someone.

      1. That’s your problem. Fox News is responsible for brain-washing millions of Americans to believe the lies that you listed.

        1. The reason you think that fox News is bad you need to focus on the intire media is corrupt but I guess your to blind to see that in the other case the Biden family are so corrupt that you willing to say anything typical democrats open your eyes your probably a person who works for government

      2. Trump, one round of golf? You are delusional. worked tirelessly 18 hours a day? On what his swing? And we should watch Fox for truth. The same Fox that paid almost $800000,000 in a settlement over their lies.

    3. Boy, are you in for a biiiiiiiig surprise when you find out just how corrupt Biden and his family really are? It seems you only listen to or watch the MSM which is the left arm of the Democrat party. Many people in our country will be shocked to the core when they learn the truth.

    4. How can you over look the Clintons and Bidens. There are 71 mysterous deaths a ruled suicides surounding the Clintons. 71 how many suicides do you personally know. Bidens have been selling out America to Russia, China for big money last count $30 million. Biden had a Ukrainian investigator fired for investing his corrupt son or he would not hand over the money for support promised by Obama. Can you spell extortion. Funny how you over look that. Not to mention the Russia Hoax about Trump that didn’t happen and was set up by Hilary. Not to mention the Clinton & Biden child molestation

    5. Suzanne, you forgot the guy in DC, the current president. I think most every politician in DC had swallowed the “All for me ” pill and how they can benefit their own bank account.

      1. Wow. Biden has done more for the American people in two years than his predecessor did in 4 years. Tell me one thing 44 did for the benefit of the American people. I’ll wait.

        1. Yea he has put a million people out of work and flooded our country with illegals that cost us billions to support. weaponized the FBI the CIA and other agencies. the benefits of 44? well, start with nearly complete employment. under 4 percent unemployment is considered full. he lowered taxes and made it possible for many to buy homes. Our food prices were lower as well as fuel. he started no wars and brought our servicemen home so they were not killed to protect useless and ungrateful nations. But nothing I would say will change your mind. try putting either one of your functioning brain cells to work and become a productive citizen.———- I, Grampa

        2. You a man or a woman?
          Biden shut down drilling, shut down our pipe line, sent money to Iran, son taking money from China in make believe bissness deals, stopped the wall from being built, opened our borders to Illegals, band fracking for oil and natural gas, our food prices have tripled, trying to make Israel a 2 state country, reinstated the United nations and we’re paying for the world’s protection, crap, ect !!!!

      1. “C:\Users\nm4no\OneDrive\Documents\all things gov\corruption\coruption\Joe Biden Pressures Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor\Joe Biden Pressures Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor (360p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4” how is this? ____ I, Grampa

    6. I guess you’re not paying attention, lol. Hunter is the first of the biden crime family to be indicted, many more to follow indluding corn pop’s buddy!

    7. So wrong. He didn’t even take a pay check. He and his children are sqeaky clean. Otherwise with all the investigations they would have found something. On the other hand, Biden and his son are totally. Corrupt.

    8. You’re insane. This man has been attacked with lies and now a 2nd attempt on his life. Get your heads out of the sand and pay attention

    9. You give no explanation, of course! It’s easy to throw anyone under the bus when you spout off anything that you perceive as “truth”! If the main media wasn’t so biased & corrupt themselves, you would be aware of lies they “report”every min. of every day. And you continue to repeat the same rhetoric,having no desire to know the truth!

    10. Suzanne if you think Trump is corrupt you better look at the Democratic Party. Ombama left the White House with millions more than he came in with. The Clinton’s for get about their corruption I don’t have time to name it all. All politicians have some corruption. Donald Trump far from the worst. The man may be an A** but truly did good for this country.

  1. OK,…Nagin was convicted of 20 outta’ 21 charges but there’s no mention of his jail time..[if any] Why ? Also be prepared to put Joe Biden as your #1 crooked politician. With all the proveable/accurate evidence that’s being amassed, if he’s not indicted, impeached and wearing orange by the end of `24, we no longer have a Judicial system or our USA.

  2. There was once a statement made by a politician that said “If I’m elected, there will be a chicken in every pot!”
    Tell the public what they want to hear. Tell them at least one very, very, big lie, and repeat it at every opportunity, and the down trodden, and unfortunate populace that feel cheated will believe almost anything!!!
    That type of politician, I guarantee, will rob and cheat you blind.

  3. When you have people who have possibly 4 indictments looming over him and he still is running for President, his party is afraid of what he can do to them if they oppose himm something is wrong When do Republicans wake up and dump him. I have changed my affiliation to independent I will vote for who I think will change the HATE, RACISM, and over all lawness going on. I hope enough people will join that URGE We are better than that and deserve that from the people elected.REL

  4. Exactly name the things he did that was corrupt! He cared for and fulfilled everything he promised to us. What is wrong with you! You are not a good judge of character knowing who is your president right now that’s what you call corruption.

  5. Trump is the ONLY one to take on the FAR, FAR, FAR LEFT – Politicians – Democrats OR Republicans! The Biden Administration is a Disgrace!!! Wake up! Don’t let your dislike for Trump cloud your head for saving this Country.

  6. I would like to know why every Senator leaves office with much wealth. As far as who is the most corrupt politician? What difference does it make who is the most corrupt. Corruption is corruption. Good Lord!

    1. Hi Marie—YEAH! I wondered THAT about “Sniffin Joe” Biden—How his net worth—er uh net MATERIAL worth far exceeds the wages he was paid throughout the decades as a politician—WINK! WINK! “10% for the BIG GUY!”

      They think we we’re all “dumb at math, eh?

      Regards from Feral Tomm!

  7. Donald Trump is the worst of the worst.He has been convicted 34 times for fraud and no telling what
    else. And now he running for president,what a sham. I pray that gets defeated.

    1. Hey ByronG—Do you recall Trumps term—“THE SWAMP”?? Did you ever ponder the meaning of THAT term as pertaining to how this country is run?

      Looks like you been guzzlin’ great amounts of swamp water, ByronG.

      Have you EVER heard the word “TRUTH”? Have you ever pondered the meaning and power of that word, ByronG? Bah! Never mind—it’s too late for ya.

      —-“and the pee-ee-pul—who hide them-selves be-hind

      The-aa wall of ILL-OOO-OOO-SHIN

      Never glimpse the TROO-OOO-TH—And then it’s far too LAA-AATE and so they pass

      A-WAY-AAaaaa (sitar rift)”—“Within you and Without you”—George Harrison

      Well, you just keep it as a gift ByronG, and never mind—

      But as a final thought—I suggest you forget your prayer to satan and pray to your Creator that the truth will prevail in ALL GLORY—THIS is a prayer you can count on to be answered and come true!!

      A great gift from your favorite sage—Feral Tomm— YOU ARE INDEED WELCOME, ByronG!

  8. Does dishonest mean the same as most corrupt? If it does then Trump is the most dishonest president we have ever had!!

  9. Heh heh! Guilty of deceit & GREED! But leave us NOT forget Hillary Clinton! Don’t cheat HER out of her glory & fame! Lies & deceit, GREED, & many claim a series of murders, arson fires, destroying evidence on emails, AND the antics of the Clinton Foundation, where Chelsea (who I don’t believe had ANY job experience in any field) was paid MORE than her mother as Secretary of State or her father as president!!

    Yet Democrats claim their party represents the working Americans and shields them from elite shysters and predatory sharks. Heh heh heh! YES! Hillary belongs on this list with the likes of Boss Tweed—

    This wisdom is shared freely by your favorite sage, Feral Tomm. YOU ARE WELCOME!

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