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These Are the 4 Most Dishonest Politicians in America

Photo by Patricia Marks from Shutterstock

4. Kwame Kilpatrick

Our last stop will be Detroit, which is sometimes called the most dangerous city in America. From 2002 to 2008, Kwame Kilpatrick was the mayor of this city. But why did the career of this politician end so fast? The short answer is that Kwame Kilpatrick is considered one of the most unqualified and dishonest mayors in the history of the U.S.

He was Detroit’s 68th mayor, and he has been a controversial figure since the beginning. From tales of a wild party at his taxpayer-funded mansion to hundreds of thousands of dollars in inexplicable transactions to his personal bank account, he was accused of many wrongdoings over the course of years.

For example, the politician booked a 5-star hotel vacation in California for his family using city-funded programs paid for by Detroit residents. He also appointed untrained family members and associates to key city positions such as secretaries and department directors. Then, the appointed relatives and friends unfairly received an average wage rise of 36%. Now, if we look at the increases the city staff received, 2% in 2003 and another 2% the next year, we can notice a huge and inexplicable difference.

LaTonya Wallace-Hardiman, who was first a staff secretary paid $32,500 and then became an executive assistant to the mayor and was paid $85,500, had the biggest wage rise of the 29 relatives and friends who were unfairly appointed by Kilpatrick.

The politician received a 28-year federal prison term in October 2013. Kilpatrick was found guilty on 24 felony counts, some of them being wire and mail fraud and also racketeering. But later, Donald Trump reduced his sentence, and he only had to serve 8 years out of 28. In 2021, Kilpatrick was a free man again.

If you like mysteries and politics, you can try reading the following article: 15 Unanswered Questions About JFK’s Assassination

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45 Responses

      1. really? so corrupt he didn’t even take payment for being president. My business prospered under Trump. I lost 30K a year and had to lay off 8 men under biden. our nation is flooded with illegals that have raised crime. we spent billions on Ukraine that can’t be accounted for. I doubt you see what corruption is.——– I, Grampa

        1. Just because Trump said he wouldn’t accept payment doesn’t mean he didn’t. He’s been a conman all of his life. He criticized Obama for spending too much time playing golf, then played twice as much in 4 years. He thinks dying in war makes you a loser.There’s a reason Putin wants Trump to be president.

    1. Trump is Golden. He brings what he has with him to the White House. He lavishly supplies our armed service men so they can protect our country and he treats them with the respect they deserve. He brings about law and order. He uses common sense to negotiate with foreign countries. He seals our borders so drug Lords get caught saving millions of American lives while preserving their better judgement. Trump knows that druggies can’t help themselves or their country.

    2. Open your eyes, Trump never took a paycheck, worked tirelessly 18 hours a day. Was condemned for playing one round of golf. Had the Dems constantly at his throat. Trump made everyone’s life better. Just looking at our child sniffing, old relic that has lived off the backs of Americans for half a century and never did anything to make our lives better. My challenge to you is watch a few hours of Fox for the truth. And please get your facts before criticizing someone.

      1. That’s your problem. Fox News is responsible for brain-washing millions of Americans to believe the lies that you listed.

    3. Boy, are you in for a biiiiiiiig surprise when you find out just how corrupt Biden and his family really are? It seems you only listen to or watch the MSM which is the left arm of the Democrat party. Many people in our country will be shocked to the core when they learn the truth.

    4. How can you over look the Clintons and Bidens. There are 71 mysterous deaths a ruled suicides surounding the Clintons. 71 how many suicides do you personally know. Bidens have been selling out America to Russia, China for big money last count $30 million. Biden had a Ukrainian investigator fired for investing his corrupt son or he would not hand over the money for support promised by Obama. Can you spell extortion. Funny how you over look that. Not to mention the Russia Hoax about Trump that didn’t happen and was set up by Hilary. Not to mention the Clinton & Biden child molestation

    5. Suzanne, you forgot the guy in DC, the current president. I think most every politician in DC had swallowed the “All for me ” pill and how they can benefit their own bank account.

      1. Wow. Biden has done more for the American people in two years than his predecessor did in 4 years. Tell me one thing 44 did for the benefit of the American people. I’ll wait.

        1. Yea he has put a million people out of work and flooded our country with illegals that cost us billions to support. weaponized the FBI the CIA and other agencies. the benefits of 44? well, start with nearly complete employment. under 4 percent unemployment is considered full. he lowered taxes and made it possible for many to buy homes. Our food prices were lower as well as fuel. he started no wars and brought our servicemen home so they were not killed to protect useless and ungrateful nations. But nothing I would say will change your mind. try putting either one of your functioning brain cells to work and become a productive citizen.———- I, Grampa

      1. “C:\Users\nm4no\OneDrive\Documents\all things gov\corruption\coruption\Joe Biden Pressures Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor\Joe Biden Pressures Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor (360p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4” how is this? ____ I, Grampa

    6. I guess you’re not paying attention, lol. Hunter is the first of the biden crime family to be indicted, many more to follow indluding corn pop’s buddy!

    7. So wrong. He didn’t even take a pay check. He and his children are sqeaky clean. Otherwise with all the investigations they would have found something. On the other hand, Biden and his son are totally. Corrupt.

  1. OK,…Nagin was convicted of 20 outta’ 21 charges but there’s no mention of his jail time..[if any] Why ? Also be prepared to put Joe Biden as your #1 crooked politician. With all the proveable/accurate evidence that’s being amassed, if he’s not indicted, impeached and wearing orange by the end of `24, we no longer have a Judicial system or our USA.

  2. There was once a statement made by a politician that said “If I’m elected, there will be a chicken in every pot!”
    Tell the public what they want to hear. Tell them at least one very, very, big lie, and repeat it at every opportunity, and the down trodden, and unfortunate populace that feel cheated will believe almost anything!!!
    That type of politician, I guarantee, will rob and cheat you blind.

  3. When you have people who have possibly 4 indictments looming over him and he still is running for President, his party is afraid of what he can do to them if they oppose himm something is wrong When do Republicans wake up and dump him. I have changed my affiliation to independent I will vote for who I think will change the HATE, RACISM, and over all lawness going on. I hope enough people will join that URGE We are better than that and deserve that from the people elected.REL

  4. Exactly name the things he did that was corrupt! He cared for and fulfilled everything he promised to us. What is wrong with you! You are not a good judge of character knowing who is your president right now that’s what you call corruption.

  5. Trump is the ONLY one to take on the FAR, FAR, FAR LEFT – Politicians – Democrats OR Republicans! The Biden Administration is a Disgrace!!! Wake up! Don’t let your dislike for Trump cloud your head for saving this Country.

  6. I would like to know why every Senator leaves office with much wealth. As far as who is the most corrupt politician? What difference does it make who is the most corrupt. Corruption is corruption. Good Lord!

  7. Donald Trump is the worst of the worst.He has been convicted 34 times for fraud and no telling what
    else. And now he running for president,what a sham. I pray that gets defeated.

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