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Trump vs. Biden: 8 Key Differences You Should Know

Trump, Biden
Photo by Steve Sanchez Photos from Shutterstock

3. Biden: increased the minimum wage to $15 per hour

In the entire nation, Biden favored raising the minimum wage set by the federal government to $15 per hour. However, Trump vehemently disagreed, arguing that the minimum wage should be established by the states.

Although he acknowledged that the bare minimum salary was too low, he was opposed to any regulations that would increase it. Our country’s wages are excessively expensive in comparison to other nations, according to former President Donald Trump, who made this claim in a different interview.

4. Biden blamed Trump when the COVID-19 pandemic outburst

The COVID-19 pandemic was difficult for everyone, especially since no one anticipated it. Nevertheless, Biden continued to hold Donald Trump accountable for the more than 200,000 deaths brought on by coronavirus infections in the nation.

Interesting to point out is that he was aware of the outburst, but he had no intention of making a statement about it in front of the public because he didn’t want to frighten others.

On the other hand, it was inevitable that Trump would “attack” Biden as well, claiming that more people would have died if he had been in office at the time.

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293 Responses

  1. To even comment on Donald Trump is an insult to my intelligence! But, you asked, so here is what me and my tribe think; He is a nasty, sickening, FAKE, unfeeling, loathsome, cheating, cry-baby whiner, who puts blame and destroys lives on ANYONE who calls him out, who truly needs to pay for ALL his years of deceit and criminal everyday behaviors, and the millions of lies he’s told to the very people who he begs money from, while lying about EVERYTHING that comes out of his mouth to his supporters!! EVERY WORD!!! This man has NO soul…..he is all that we know about evil!! Do you believe God enjoys what he’s doing to His people turning all of them against the very deepest values of what our country was built on? He thinks he can ignore the courts, the truth, and the punishment he deserves…..but it’s coming!! He is a sick human…an embarrassment and a fraud! The Devil in plain sight!

        1. No Kelly—At least Biden never tried to overturn the results of an American election. A little advise to you—study the tactics, & language used by Hitler back in the day, & you will find Trump using the same tactics & language. As an example, one of Hitler’s slogan’s to the German people, was if elected, he would MAKE GERMANY GREAT AGAIN ! sound familiar ? Please get your head out of your ass. Our democracy may depend upon you & those who are as mis-informed as you are, finally figuring it all out.

        2. Biden has not tried to destroy our democracy. In ca
          See you forgot or never have It a thought trump is bad news for country. He wants to rule the country. Cannot accept that he lost an election. He can’t admit he’s a loser. There is no comparison to Biden from trump. Trump needs to go to jail for the crap he has done since the election he tried to overturn because he lost. He can’t accept the fact that he lost he doesn’t know how to deal with a loss. Trying to get his fans to kill the vice president because he would not do what trump wanted. Trump is trash.

        3. Wow, what an evidence-laden and example-full declaration of Joe Biden’s faults and misdeeds. Where did you get all these facts, Kelly?

      1. Get your head out of your you know what iDEN did more to put this country further in debt and Trump had his running smoothly, plain and simple 60+ percent will tell you that United States population legal citizens

    1. God extremely concerns about the following things: safety of Isreal, obedience of children to parents, marriage between Adam and Eve, prayers everywhere, the sanctity of life, justice, freedom of religion, and God says, a country without walls is like a man whose spirit without restraint.Proverb 25:28

      1. There no land in Earth in history call Isreal, until the 40’s when jews showed up in Palestine. First the force the Hebrew Palestinians into Africa the stile the homes & businesses from the Arab Palestinians and have occupied it in ungodly fashion every since! Elohim cares about every Palestinian!

    2. Hello Guys,

      Thank you so much for citing my thoughts and observations about this [Trump] abomination. I am in total agreement!
      Bob Michaels

      1. this started out as one big lie… UNBIAS ARE YOU KOOLAID DRINKERS SERIOUS???
        So many fools so little intelligence !!

      2. Think you got president and trump mixed up. The worst potus has been trump. Tried to overthrow the govt. Tried to stay in power even though he was not elected. Except for in his own head. He has lied for years about the election being stolen and u bet you believe that in spite of no proof whatsoever ever and I guess the trouble he caused at the capital wasn’t his fault either. Clean your glasses and take a good look around what you are pushing. He tried to overthrow the govt so he could be president again. In spite of losing his election and his lies he told for years. And are still deceived by him. They haven’t learned that lesson yet and still
        Want him to be president. Makes no sense at all.

    3. 1,000 times I thank you for saying what “We the people” believe! I don’t put much stock in polls, since I have NEVER been in one. I’m tired of seeing his face, listening to the whines and watching his tiny hands wave everytime he speaks. He caused his puppets to follow what he told them. I think I’m still traumatized by watching these “patriots” use MY FLAG as a weapon to inflict harm on another American on Jan 6th,2021. I call him Teflon Man, because he gets everyone to do HIS bidding, he never lifts a finger to help anyone but his cronies. They all do his dirty work, and his hands are always “clean”, because he says he’s going to do something, and he doesn’t. When he turned on General Milley, and said what should happen to him, insinuated that America’s top general deserves to be put to death. You KNOW there is a “wacko” out there in MAGA land that will try to do just that. The “boy child” loves putting ideas in others heads, they do the crime, and he comes up smelling like a rose. SHAME on the GOP that wants to put his name on the ballot! SHAME on anyone who reelects him!

      1. Agree With all of It. He has been the worst and in spite of the things he has done people still believe in him. That blows my mind. He led people to the capital while telling his crimes to kill the vice president because he wanted nothing to go with trump and his lies to help him find more votes for him to not leave office. He was devastated when he lost his job. He could not fathom not winning the creation that he did everything he could think of to stay as president. Losing was a blow to his ego.

      2. And still bringvdeveived by him and really think that he was the best thing ever to rule our country. In NC spite of lying about the election being rigged in spite of every court throwing out his suits. Cause of lack of evidence. If those republican men had the balls they were born with during the hearings about the insurrection instead of thinking about their political careers. And found him guilty of every thing he was accused of doing we would not have all these discussions about trump and how awful he is. And how after everything he has done in the last couple of years he still has people was no ws t go vote for him like he was a god it’s crazy. People can not see the truth about him. He only cares about himself. No one else matters.

      3. I don’t like him either, and I’ve always voted for Democrats, BUT this time I may vote for Trump because he will at least he protect our boarders. Voters need to accept the fact they have to chose between two evils. I’m tired of inflation and I’m tired of seeing our country being invaded by illegal immigrants who think they are above the law and have no respect for immigration laws. They are running away from crime and poverty. But there’s also crime and poverty already in America. Look at Skid Row in Los Angeles where thousands of tax paying American citizens are living on the streets. Many of them are employed, Some even work two jobs and still can’t afford housing. America needs to solve our OWN problems. Crime and poverty in other countries should not become a burden for America. PROTECT OUR BOARDERS and STOP INFLATION. The president who does this will get my vote, weather it’s a Democrat or Republican.

    4. Exactly how I feel about Biden except Biden is also incompetent. I bet a dollar to donuts that you are not a christian.

      1. I think there is a big chance they will not even let the man run again. He does not even know who he is and I think the nation has concluded that he has destroyed this country more than enough. The leaders of our friendly nations are simply laughing at him. All of our enemies are running over him. He noting less than a yellow-belly coward.

      2. Is that because Christians believe in countless affairs and infidelities. Or is bragging about violating women and their genitals? Perhaps it’s displaying contempt for humans with disability on the world stage? Teaching how children and those around the world to lie, steal, and exploit every person who supports him? BTW, that includes you. Instead of foolishly following like a sheep, look at facts and think.

      3. I bet for sure that you are not a Christian. You are worshipping a false God. He and all of his followers are hell bound. Any church that promotes Trump is a devil worshipping church. They should lose all tax exemption statuses. You claim to be patriots, but We the People are armed and ready to take on whatever other crap that your God tells you to do. Bring it on. You will not win. If you think Biden is incompetent, look again. Think you are talking about your cult members, and leader. And we know from history what happens to cults. They will not survive. You and your leader can rot in prison.

      4. What does being a Christian have anything to do with where one stands as a human being? Regardless of what religion one is, it is obvious (I hope) that anyone condoning violence against others (like Trump did on 1/6/21) is not a good person PERIOD! When did anyone in this country agree to storm the capital because someone said that the election was taken from them…BOOHOO! Everything that comes out of his mouth is ridiculous! I agree that BOTH parties need better candidates but at least while Biden was in office we didn’t have to worry about some lunatic declaring war on another country or pushing any “buttons” that would destroy us all. Trump is an idiot, plain and simple. Most of the people who are asked why they would vote for him give the same SHEEP answer. No one has a good answer.

      5. I don’t like him either, and I’ve always voted for Democrats, BUT this time I may vote for Trump because he will at least he protect our boarders. Voters need to accept the fact they have to chose between two evils. I’m tired of inflation and I’m tired of seeing our country being invaded by illegal immigrants who think they are above the law and have no respect for immigration laws. They are running away from crime and poverty. But there’s also crime and poverty already in America. Look at Skid Row in Los Angeles where thousands of tax paying American citizens are living on the streets. Many of them are employed, Some even work two jobs and still can’t afford housing. America needs to solve our OWN problems. Crime and

      6. well that was probably the most ignorant statement I’ve heard and obviously you wouldn’t know what a Christian is if you think Trump should be in office and is a good man! but you also just proved my point how do you Pierre hypocritical people you just proved it thank you! and what’s super funny is it you called him but Joe Biden incompetent but you think Trump isn’t incompetent wow that’s hysterical

    5. Your description definitely fits Manchurian Joe Biden to a T-How’s that inflation and mortgage rate– Hard to imagine Joe Biden could conjure up enough dimwit votes to become a fake dummy POTUS
      Even with the aid of the ignorant and uneducated TDS dummies. Although majority of Dems now realize dummy Joe was the worst mistake of their life and are now remorseful for their stupidity to vote for the worst POTUS in American history with blood on his hands of 100’s of thousands in less than 3 years—Amazingly 25% of the dumbest of the Biden America hating dummies still support that likes of the total Moron Joe Biden. Stupid is as stupid does—-Congrats—LOL

      1. I totally agree!! Biden more than likely either has the start of or is full-blown Dementia/Alzheimers & should not be running our country!!!! I’m a Catholic Patriot thru & thru. My agreement is with Greg Jobes.

      2. Very angry and your comments show exactly who you are. Believe Trump’s lies, and follow him to prison. WE THE PEOPLE will not allow your cult to destroy our democracy.

      3. Absolutely I agree Greg. Joe Biden has destroyed this country and the Dems. keep letting it happen just because they hate the man with business sense. We need a businessman in the White House, not these sniveling, self righteous fools.

      4. even if trump is a bad person, we lived better and we were respected by our adversaries. i cannot afford a democrat presidency. imagine the disrespect for us when china sent balloons over our country. 8 dollar mayonaise now.

    6. Another term with the Biden administration…..the puppet on a string and I fear for our country. Biden isn’t running it. The poor man doesn’t even know where he is.

      Our country is in trouble. I pray God opens the door for the leadership we need.

      1. Praying to you God Trump will do no good. We all know he’s a liar. And he’s taking his followers down with him. Hope you enjoy prison. The last bunch of morons that did what he told them, are now sitting their butts in prison, where they belong. Enjoy. VOTE BLUE.

      2. And I sure hope it’s not Trump from the prison cell. I can’t wait to see him in orange for all the shit he’s done. Aside from any of the politics he’s a liar, a thief, rapist, and a racist.

      3. Please don’t say MAGA. It’s M.ake A.merica G.reat A.gain. Doesn’t sound racist, sounds more patriotic. I rather a president have puppets than having a puppet as a president. Would the world be funding 2 wars? Would there be 2 wars?

    7. Actually it sounds like you are talking about the Bidens…… I am shocked at all of the brain washed Americans that cannot see the facts. The Bidens have many million dollar mansions and they do not have a business and the income for a sitting senator is just 174,000 and Jill does not work.. So if you all think this family is not corrupt then there is no informing you of the truth. Even as a VP of the US he did not make enough to buy these homes. He is taking bribes and selling us out, Trump on the other hand made America safer, low to no inflation and energy independent. Cut regulations and stopped the invasion at the border.

      And for all of you that just cannot get past the TDS just remember that BIDEN is responsible for the disaster of AFGHANISTAN!!!!! And 13 dead military soldiers that were killed not to mention the 85 BILLION dollars worth of equipment and munitions that he just left for the TALIBAN!!!!!

      1. You said it, Biden has done nothing but ruin our country and created wars, killing people and you’re right he’s taking bribes from other countries and making money. Who’s the corrupt one here

    8. You are so right. Electing him again will totally ruin our country. Tha republicans are out to destroy everything our country represents and Trump is the ring leader. So vote NO on Trump.

      1. Vote yes on trump the best president we ever had if you guys could prove any of the lies the left has been feeding you than I wouldn’t blame you but u can’t, he didn’t do any of the stuff they say.

      2. What do you mean our country is already in the dirt because of Biden people are dead because of Biden. You must not have a job and he must be supporting you because that’s what Biden does to get the votes and make you. Idiots love him.

      1. Oh please knocked that smug look off his face that he got away with all this shit and put him in orange so he can whine in jail cell


      1. Every politician, rapes women and then pays them off so that it doesn’t get found out at Election time he’s a piece of shit

    10. Sorry but you are wrong. Trump understands the value of human rights and how hold people accountable to work for a living and not just buy votes by giving government money to ellegal immigrants and young people without them earning the money the old fashioned way “First”. Get and keep A Job! Paying taxes long before getting hard earned benefits like medical, social security and public services. I see a current government destroying the future of our children by their easy handouts for free. They are “dumming down” our children.
      The mentality of our youth and the ellegals has now developed to an “You owe Me” attitude. They think that free money is something owed to them for being born and it does not cost them anything. There is no such thing as FREE money. Someone must pay for that with interest. In order to attempt to balance the growing Nationsl debt: The current government is taking away benefits for seniors who earned by people who actually worked hard all their lives to pay into taxes to support the government and programs. My heart goes out to the businesses that are struggling to get and keep employees in order to run a business. The new attitude of the young people is they do not actually want to work since they can get what they want from the government without earning it. Quality of customer service from those who actually go to a job has declined. MANY SIT OUT and SMOKE OR WORSE while on the clock; while customers just want to be served at that business. TRUMP may be a little rough in the political forms ; but believes in people who are responsible and want to actually work for money.

      1. The children not wanting to work didn’t happen just when Biden came along the children not wanting to work. It’s been going on for a long time. And Trump doesn’t pay his own taxes. He’s hanging out with people from China and Russia and he’s not doing it for the country he’s taking bribes from both countries people are drinking. The Kool-Aid in this country is absolutely ridiculous. When I was a child, my dad told me That those two countries are our enemies and they still are our enemies. And Trump wants to grab them by the pussy. He’s a disgusting man.

      2. Thank you! Nay-sayers don’t realize, TRUMP didn’t sign on to be yours or my best friend. Nor was he a ‘groomed’ politician; he’s a businessman who signed on to do a job for our country, and he did a lot for many people, despite the constant attacks on him during his entire term. Unfortunately, he’s still dealing with them!
        A statement TRUMP made, when asked why he wants to continue, really impressed me. He told Sean Hannity, “I love this country!”

      3. Don’t tell us just lie the true is Gop and liberal are lier because they don’t work for the people but their interest for example GOP they have the poorest states what they do for the people nothing on the other hand they help 100% for the millionaire.And democrats is the one who destroying the value of our children and no future value family any more

      4. I haven’t read such drivel since I last heard anything coming directly out of Donald Trump’s own twisted mouth. I can kind of understand how the man got elected in 2016. But nothing but lies and more lies since that time has clearly shown a man has no morals and no love of humanity except for himself.
        The transparency is upfront for all to see, and it’s truly shocking to see how many voters refuse to see. Otherwise reasonable and intelligent people just don’t seem to care that they’re trusting the most conniving distrustful man in the country. He will do ANYTHING to get what HE wants.
        We all rely on certain sources for our information. Our perception of that information is the truth for each of us. Perhaps many of us are getting the wrong perception from the wrong sources. Experiment a little bit and see what other folks have to say.

    11. Some of the things you said are the most ignorant, stupid, uninformed and biased comments I ever heard. You sound like you work for the Biden Crime Family. The things you describe are exactly what Joe biden represents. Nasty? Take a closer look at Joe as he snaps at reporters.”Sickening, FAKE, Unfeeling, loathsome, cheating cry-baby whiner, who puts blame and destroys lives on ANYONE who calle him out”? His lies have been pointed out even by his leftwing propaganda machine who slobber all over him. He’s also creepy when he “whispers into the microphone”. He’s breaking the Constitutional law of the land every day while he leaves our borders open to any enemy who wants to enter our country. The Presidents main responsibility is to defend the country and it’s citizens. He has failed miserably. He advocates for the mutilation of children, and supports the pedophiles grooming our children with the Drag Queens exposing themselves to our youth. Talk about dividing the people? This clown that you call your President is constantly calling the opposition “dangerous to our democracy”. All the while it is Him and his Crime Family administration who is destroying our democracy. What kind of person calls for the opposition to be arrested and unable to run against him so he can have a clear road to victory? I’ll answer that for you being as you seem to be blind to the truth. A Dictator or a Third World Puppet. Open your eyes Pal. I can’t even begin to list all of this mans hate filled garbage that he spews. Not to mention that he is suffering from dementia and putting our nation in danger as our enemies watch with amusement as he stumbles over every platform he steps on. Do you think God enjoys what he is doing to his people turning all of them against the very deepest balues of what our country was built on? People like you are the reason why this fraudulent fake is able to get away with his crimes. You sicken me!

    12. 100% agree with you. Can’t understand why his tribe follows him. Hopefully he will never become President again!

    13. Thanks so much for your comments. So many people are only out for themselves and admire him. People supporting a politician indicted/convicted of a myriad of crimes….Sexual Assaults, Fraud, Tax Evasion, Election Interference. Including his disgusting behavior, poking fun at handicapped people. White House attackers, supporting him have been incarcerated. He’s a descendent of HITLER. Our country is in trouble. We haven’t recovered from his criminal actions. Trump is a fraud, indited ex-president has no right to be near the oval office, neither do his cronies. Citizens supporting him, seriously need psychological help. Electing him again will totally ruin our country.

    14. That description is the best I have ever heard and I share all of those ideas. One thing, also, I think is pure evil, is how he found a part of our society that was already very negative and against our government. Trump manipulated and reeled them in using them to accomplish his agenda. He is no team player and I am afraid of the kind of government he truly represents which I feel is descriptive of a dictator and doing only what he wants to do for his own agenda. I am so disappointed in the people representing us right now. So many I feel are manipulated, as well. He is not God. He is not the answer to our problems.

    15. Seriously, to EVEN compare these 2 and say ‘maybe its apples and oranges’is an insult to those of us with functioning brain cells. To say Trump has 91 criminal indictments and attempted a coup d’etat but Biden is old -as if that puts Biden on the same level as Trump- is an insult to those of us with functioning brain cells. TRUMP IS OLD TOO. His diminished mental capacity is FAR more concerning than Biden. People that are STILL supporting Trump are doing so 1) because they are genuine cult members. Or 2) they are racist, bigotted assholes who are under sone delusion that Trumps white grievance Schtick is going to bring about a national apartheid and uneducated rural whites will somehow get to be the ‘elite’and get to decide social mores. (hilarious since Trumps contempt for them is unsurpassed) And then there’s 3) those who are grifters and exploiting the MAGA demographic JUST LIKE TRUMP. This includes politicians who want to stay in politics for their own wealth & Power, those who are exploiting Trump by acting as ‘spokes people’ or lawyers etc (this group is likely committing elder abuse against Trump. He’s just such a horrible person that it’s difficult to care) and they need the votes of MAGAs to stay there OR they are other con men, charlatans who areexpkoiting those who comprising the MAGA crowd. These people have been and will be exploiting this demographic before Trump & they’llexploit them after. (people like Kenneth Copeland, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck & Donald Trump).

      What do ALL MAGA have in common? They think THEIR rights are unquestionable but everyone elsesrights need to fit within the purview of THEIR religious & political ideology. Ex. My body, my choice. You can’make me get a vaccine or do ANYTHING b/c its my right. If I want to go to tgegrocery store despite testing positive for covid, THAT’S MY RIGHT. it doesn’t matter thatImightinfect others with a potentially deadly disease. But a pregnant women…despite the fact that a woman getting an abortion has ZERO effect on any ones life but her own. Despite the fact that ‘life begins at conception’is NOT a medical fact and not EVERYONE believes that. Tbey feel entitled to force THEIR beliefs ONTO others but have absolute shit fits if ANYONE tries to tell them what to do. Or Parentalrights: I have an absolute right to raise my kid as I see fit. But YOU don’t have the right to provide YOUR child with gender confirming care despite the fact there IS medical EVIDENCE that providing gender affirming care IS appropriate with medical diagnosis and psychological care.

      EVERYTHING they accuse Biden (or Hunter) of doing ARE things that Trump and Jared have ACTUALLY already done AND there’s evidence to support it. There is ZERO evidence the Bidens have done anything illegal.

      Comparing Biden& Trump is like comparing croissants and Fill Dirt. Not only Trump is old, his mental capacity, never great to start doesn’t know WHEN he was President, doesn’t know who he ran against, doesn’t know who’president now, think judges are property appraisers, thinks he’s entitled to say whatever the hell he wants but no one can say factual things about him b/c he’s the MOST INSECURE MAN ON THE PLANET. He accuses HIS OWN FBI of not only suppressing Hunters investigation but also of some ridiculous scheme to do…sonething. That sure doesn’t sound like an administration with a great leader. If Trumps OWN FBI IS UBDERMINING HIM TO GET BIDEN ELECTED, that would indicate the FBI LOATHES TRUMP. That indicates they find him to Be an ineffective and incompetent leader. Trump has certainly proven that true.

      Biden supports democracy. Trump wants to be an authoritarian dictator who doesn’t have the wherewithal or self esteem to stand up to bad actors. He surrendered to the Taliban. He saluted some North Korean general. TRUMP SALUTED A NORTH KOREAN GENERAL. He thinks there should have been ‘negotiatiin’ about owning slaves and ithat its OK that people would have to BE SLAVES. What sort of monster supports that it’s ok for people To be slaves? Trump does. And MAGAs do, evidentally.

      It’s REPREHENSIBLE that ANYONE would have such poor personal character, have such minuscule personal values, morals & ethics that they support a monster like Trump. And comparing Trump to Biden as if Trump personal character comes even within light years of Bidens. Let alone Trumps willful ignorance, he insecurity being so severe he prefers to appear illiterate than to admit he wears glasses. He’s THE MOST INSRCURE PERSON ON THE PLANET. His lack of knowledge, ability and personal character is LAUGHABLE on its own. I’d vote for Bidens CORPSE before I’d vote Trump. I’d vote for the casket Biden is IN before I’d vote Trump. I’d vote for a decomposing sewer rat NEAR the casket with Bidens corpse before I’d vote Trumo. The choice is easy. You vote for democracy or you vote for a Trump dictatorship.

    16. Looks like one of you is speaking for the 2 of you. People should feel very sorry for the 2 of you for it must be very difficult to manage that much hate, envy and jealousy and still enjoy a day in the most beautiful country in the world. One becomes mentally ill to let politics for either party to destroy them to the point of destruction one reads in your statement. For your information, there is a lot of America that feels that a fraud and traitor is in the White-house as we speak. Joe Biden’s main duty is to protect our borders so it qualifies hi as a traitor to this country. However, I will not go down the road of pure loathsome hate to describe how I feel about him. I can only pray that America gets a chance to put the right leader in the WH and follows through in our next election. In the meantime, dont let politics destroy who we are and turn us into a people we are not!

    17. And what is Biden except being a pathological liar, an absolute low life corrupt, most inept pos ever to illegitimate president in the history of our country! More than 8 million illegals have been allowed to enter our country for no other reason than to be democrat voters! This includes criminals, rapists, child molesters and probably a few terrorists. He’s guilty as sin for bribery. He’s just been caught in another big lie about attending the funeral of officers killed during j6. I don’t care for Trump’s personality but he did a heluva job as president!

    18. To even comment on Biden
      is an insult to my intelligence! But, you asked, so here is what me and my tribe think; He is a nasty, sickening, FAKE, unfeeling, loathsome, cheating, cry-baby whiner, who puts blame and destroys lives on ANYONE who calls him out, who truly needs to pay for ALL his years of deceit and criminal everyday behaviors, and the millions of lies he’s told to the very people who he begs money from, while lying about EVERYTHING that comes out of his mouth to his supporters!! EVERY WORD!!! This man has NO soul…..he is all that we know about evil!! Do you believe God enjoys what he’s doing to His people turning all of them against the very deepest values of what our country was built on? He thinks he can ignore the courts, the truth, and the punishment he deserves…..but it’s coming!! He is a sick human…an embarrassment and a fraud! The Devil in plain sight!

    19. What drugs are you on bud? So you LIKE high grocery prices and empty shelves. You LIKE high interest rates keeping Americans from being able to buy a home for their families. You LIKE our country being flooded with terrorists and illegal immigrants of whom will take jobs and income out of Americans pockets. You LIKE paying higher taxes to provide medicare, medicaid, phones. tablets to people whom have NEVER paid a dime of taxes. You LIKE high gas prices, you LIKE being told you WILL buy electric everything when the American power grid can NOT support such electrical DEMANDS! You LIKE the idea that retired seniors who WORKED all their lifes STARVE to death because this DUM DUM Senile old man is compromised by Japan . Hope YOUR parents are already dead ! So they don’t suffer due to ignorance such as yours and others like you. LISTEN I AGREE TRUMP is a loud mouth, self centered, egotistical nut !! BUT you can argue till your blue in the face. You HONESTLY CAN NOT say that this country was NOT in an EXTREMELY better place when he was in office !! You have your right to feel the opposite. But I’d challenge you to do some research on your own instead of listening to the FAKE NEWS. AGAIN I agree as to Trumps personality. BUT HE GOT THE JOB DONE and exposed our government of SHADOWS! Why else would they be fighting to disgrace this country by jailing our President ! At least he had the balls to stand toe to tow with foreign dignitaries of whom wish to destroy America and achieved TOTAL PEACE world wide. Something that has NEVER been accomplished before. Take care I’ll toss you some spare change if I see you living in a box on the street because China recieved America as a GIFT from Boo I Din. Take care

    20. Rather than “The Devil in plain sight” He is an angel in the eyes of many Americans. Albeit a tough one! He is the best President we have ever had or will ever have! bid-on is the worst.

    21. I concur, the 45th should be removed from the American psyche.and from the role. What an ignoramus and idiot that he would have the audacity to run again…lock him up lock him up

    22. Are you sure you are not talking about Biden. Let’s see crime family who blames everything that is happening on the Republicans. He can’t leave a war without making America look week. Let’s look at his border policy. Open borders to everyone. Criminals, drugs, and all terrorists can come into our country and do whatever they want too. They are getting free Healthcare and welfare benefits. They are even put ahead of Veterans needs. Biden can’t even get off the stage without someone showing him the way off. Biden loves to tell stories which are not true. You say Trump is know no good. What can you say about Biden? Give me a break.

    23. I’ll just bet you and Cathie would perfect with a red hot poker shoved right up your ass’s until it comes out your skulls. It’s clear that you both don’t have a brain to use and this virus that is infecting you needs to be totally eradicated

    24. I only have one simple question for you….. Is your life better or worse since Biden took office? Mine and everyone I know is worse! Biden can barely find his way from one spot to another! He has put our country in danger from ALL our enemies and taken away from our military and border control. I do not care what you think of Trump’s personality, I do not have to eat dinner with him or socialize with him but my 401 K was booming, the border was more secure and peace was in the Middle East. Biden is the definition of chaos. The Biden Family is self-serving and corrupt and thinks they are untouchable. Get over your personal feelings about Trump and think about what is better for the country, our children, and our prosperity. Anyone who supports Biden really must hate their fellow Americans to wish for four more years of utter incompetence Anyone and I do mean Anyone is Better than Biden! Well, maybe not Harris:)

    25. You’re definitely describing Joe Biden to a T!!! We were fine with President Trump.The economy was booming, lots of jobs in the oil field off shore and on land. They were getting ready to build the ocean pipeline to pass oil from Canada to United States. What happened, Joe Biden stopped it! Putting thousands of men out of good paying jobs. It was so sad to see Men crying with no jobs, Thanks to Biden’s B***S**t. There’s so much bad stuff he has done. He’s definitely destroying our beloved USA. Worse President in my life time Joe Biden!!!

    26. Your post does not speak truth just because you say it. I have googled and found the opposite. You have listened too much to a media that has been proven with charts and figures that it is biased! I have googled and seen the charts and figures. The country was bound to recover. Capitalism will grow when the govt leaves it alone. No other economic system in the history of the world has taken people out of poverty than capitalism. NONE! Whether anyone likes it or not, that is a provable fact! I am living proof. Years ago, I was living by borrowing from one credit card to pay another one. Now I have tens of thousands of times more money than I ever thought I would have. Besides, this country was much better off under Trump. Trump didn’t leave billions of dollars of weaponry that we paid for(!) in our enemy’s country, the definition of treason. Trump didn’t leave a country and abandon Americans who had to hide while the Taliban looked for them. Biden did both! Trump reduced unemployment to the lowest in over 30 years, also proven. Trump’s inflation rate was average, whereas Biden made it worse. See, when you print money, it makes all existing dollars worth less. That means it takes more dollars to buy something, and that is inflation. Biden printed a lot of money, and said he wanted to print more! On and on and on. For everything you or anyone else says, others can come up with something else. If you would google, you will find over 140 items on Trump’s list of accomplishments. I have seen it. Biden doesn’t even come close. In fact, he is in the negatives. Oh and another thing: Biden is a dictator. Three times he tried to forgive student debt, even though the Supreme Court said he was not allowed. We all know what liberals would say if Trump defied the Supreme Court! Why aren’t you complaining now?! Because Biden is a Democrat! You liberals allow a Democrat to do anything he or she wants, but if a Republican president even tries half of the same thing, you scream and bitch for a long time. We know because you have done it many times! Another thing: Biden and liberals have proven many times they do not care about Americans. Well, they do, but only at election time. I have told my elderly sister during Obama’s reign AND Biden’s that she would be treated better by our govt if she moved to Mexico and came back illegally. Trump proved many times that he cares about Americans including YOU! He proved it with the economy for one thing. Trump sat on the tarmac after 3 hours of sleep MANY times to welcome our troops home. Democrats have proved over and over again with their votes they do not care about our military. That’s all I am going to say. I am not even going to respond any more because it would be a waste of my time. I have found that liberals’ minds can never be changed and I gave up trying. Just know that most of the country wishes Biden was not president! His poll numbers are worse than they ever have been and getting worse every week.

    27. Trump is the Best President we’ve had in 50 years. BidenGate never won the last presidential election it was rigged and proven time after time . BidenGate family corrupt in each and every aspect. You liberals are Brainwashed and lied to by the corrupt media and Democrats controlled they are poisoning our nation

    28. What exactly did he do to you or your family. So do you think he’s going to commit genocide on us? Too late, we’re already at 60 million and counting. We’ve got Hilary wanting us purged and reeducated. I think you’d have to say all politicians are evil.

    29. Agree with above comment. Trump is a Sociopathic Narcissist. His aim is to have an anarchy or even worse a return to a dictatorship. We have in our Constitution a separation of power to maintain a Democracy. Executive Power is balanced with Judicial and the House and the Senate. All three are to represent the People of this country. as stated in the Constitution. Sadly, many have never taken government in school or are ill-informed of the laws that govern us. Discrimination of race or religion or disabilities should never be tolerated. Turning people against one another and encouraging a resurrection claiming innocence to the laws in intolerable. People need to VOTE.

    30. The comment you said it all in a knot shellwas meant for John and Cathie Kriese not for Dee Dee Wood‘d comment.

    31. I don’t like him either, and I’ve always voted for Democrats, BUT this time I may vote for Trump because he will at least he protect our boarders. Voters need to accept the fact they have to chose between two evils. I’m tired of inflation and I’m tired of seeing our country being invaded by illegal immigrants who think they are above the law and have no respect for immigration laws. They are running away from crime and poverty. But there’s also crime and poverty already in America. Look at Skid Row in Los Angeles where thousands of tax paying American citizens are living on the streets. Many of them are employed, Some even work two jobs and still can’t afford housing. America needs to solve our OWN problems. Crime and poverty in other countries should not become a burden for America. PROTECT OUR BOARDERS and STOP INFLATION. The president who does this will get my vote, weather it’s a Democrat or Republican.

    32. Everything you said about Trump, should be replaced with Biden’s name. He is the fraud, womenizer, boob fondler, child pervert. Try looking up all the photo shoots he has with women and children. Look where his hands are each time! You think Binden pays any of his bills? He doesn’t have to pay anything, he makes his crooked son, Hunter pay him a % of every crooked deal daddy makes for him. He has stated so in so many recorded statements in the past 10 years! FOX news brings it to the forefront, and all the other corrupt news stations cover it up and is never to be seen again! Look it up, President Biden and his daddy were KKK followers in the parades and college commencements! Look it up and don’t just be a snowflake follower and believe everything the Kriesel’s are saying.
      Since when does it take 2 weeks to finalize an election!! NEVER! Truckloads of voter returnes were still coming in!!! They showed them on TV one time, all unfolded votes with only think marked on it was Biden for president. Nothing else!! REALLY, where is the voter fraud now?? GROW UP people and think for yourselves! Do you think the democratic party believes in our GOD? No,they believe in getting away with as much as possible until you get caught, and then the social media covers it up!
      Your words Kriesel:
      “Do you believe God enjoys what Biden is doing to His people turning all of them against the very deepest values of what our country was built on? He thinks he can ignore the courts, the truth, and the punishment he deserves…..but it’s coming!! He is a sick human…an embarrassment and a fraud! The Devil in plain sight!”

    33. John you describe the democrats in DC and all you say about president Trump is lies the democrats have told.

    34. Oh my God thank you for that! Finally somebody with intelligence to state what I think is so obvious and everybody should see because if a Democratic candidate or president acted like that they would have already impeached him and put him in jail toot sweet for the insurrection! I don’t understand how they can stand there and listen to him, watch what he does, all the facts that have been proven against him proven against him he can’t even keep his own businesses running correctly without going bankrupt or them failing miserably! Nothing that he does is horrible to them I understand any of that he has said and it’s proven cuz it’s on tape I can walk down First Avenue and shoot somebody and I would get away with it nothing would happen to me, he made another comment on tape oh I’m all about being a dictator! Why do comments like that not worry anybody he thinks he’s above the Law so far he’s shown that yeah he can f****** get away with it and that doesn’t make anybody concerned, are you kidding me and how freaking hypocritical can the Republican Party be…….well obviously pretty damn hypocritical! Republicans should be ashamed of themselves to try to get that man as president again! Y’all should really be ashamed of yourselves because it’s purely disgusting that you think that man should be president of the United States again like he didn’t leave us with the highest deficit of any president look it up yes he did and that he’s the laughing stock of every other country, hurt so much of our rapport with other country that we used to have an amazing rapport with and yet you want him back in office absolutely hypocritical and disgusting! We don’t need him to make America great again America is great and it’s even better without him in office!!!!!

  2. I hope that Biden wins in 24,because if trump wins we as a nation are doomed. Trump is a fraud and
    an indited ex president and has no right to be anywhere near the oval office period. He has lied
    more times than i could count and has supported an armed attack on the USA.

    1. Are you nuts?? Everything you said about Trump is Joe Biden. He’s the biggest crook that’s ever been in our Government.

      1. you have lost your mind if you can say that about Biden and not think that that’s Trump! trash Trump shouldn’t be allowed to even be on a ballot for the Insurrection for everything else he’s done he’s being indicted how many times, impeached twice, still has all these legal issues coming up he can’t concentrate on the country he’s got to concentrate on himself not that he isn’t always concentrated on himself. His own wife won’t go on the campaign trail with him doesn’t want to be seen with him that should surely tell you something! Please Trump is the worst thing that ever happened to our country and if he’s re-elected again we’re screwed the whole entire country is screwed

    2. Look Around. Really?
      We are already already doomed
      Brink of WWIII due to incompetent senile presidency where every enemy of the US is challenging our country. Trump may have many narcissistic flaws but at least he put this country first and the nations around the world respected his leadership. Can’t say that about our current president Get over your TDS and wake up. Weak inept president equals world chaos. Let’s hope your hurt feelings over mean tweets are the worst wounds you suffer.

      1. Record number of jobs created; inflation was not caused by Biden – it was a result of the American people getting back from a pandemic, and demand was more than supplies. That’s what causes inflation. It is coming down. Record travel during the holidays; record spending for Christmas; gas way down (if Biden caused it to go up, then he gets credit for it going down). Trump spent every weekend at his resorts charging the US taxpayers millions of dollars. We provided security for every member of his family for their vacations, trips, and life of luxury. He was for no one but himself and how anyone could believe that he put country before himself was proven during the Jan. 6 insurrections, for which he was the biggest part of. He’s a crook; always has been a crook, and always will be a crook. Scammed people with all his business endeavors, including the famous Trump College. Had five or six bankruptcies, and yet you think he is fit to run this country.

    3. Biden has dementia. Why would you want him as president again? He has been the worst president we’ve ever had.

    4. So as many politicians lied to benefit their needs and forever have a permanent retirement for a short time in office , paid for by the people. We will be facing a crisis in the future by homeland terrorist and much more you could ever dream of. Vote who has done for the country with not just with words but actions that will protect we the people and families in the future.

    5. We’re a global,laughing stock because of Biden. He a pathological liar, he’s corrupt and is compromised by China, Romania and Russia and Ukraine. They know he’s corrupt and have the evidence to prove it from the bribes he’s received from them.

    6. Biden has already doomed this great country. He has no morals and his entire family is nothing but a den of thieves.

    7. Have you seen Biden’s poll numbers? Just know that most of the country wishes Biden was not president! His poll numbers are worse than they ever have been and getting worse every week. One could say the same thing about Biden that you say about Trump. In addition, Biden is a dictator. Three times he tried to forgive student debt, even though the Supreme Court said he was not allowed. He only did it to get the student vote. We all know what liberals would say if Trump defied the Supreme Court! Why aren’t you complaining now?! Because Biden is a Democrat! You liberals allow a Democrat to do anything he or she wants, but if a Republican president even tries half of the same thing, you scream and bitch for a long time. We know because you have done it many times! Another thing: Biden and liberals have proven many times they only care about Americans at election time. I have told my elderly sister during Obama’s reign AND Biden’s that she would be treated better by our govt if she moved to Mexico and came back illegally. Trump proved many times that he cares about Americans including YOU!

    1. The only problem is Biden‘s age. That’s gonna happen to all of us for all you people that are laughing. Trump will throw anybody under the bus. He’s such a piece of slime way way back he was taught his from his dad was slime to him who slime when he’s teaching his children. I know enough people that he didn’t pay for work that they did for him in Atlantic City. That’s the kind of man he is he tries to rip people off and now he’s doing it with the country. He’s all about himself people and you think I’m holding that Bible upside down makes him a religious man oh my God, he doesn’t believe there’s anything wrong with the environment. Oh good for you when you’re standing underwater

  3. Biden is doing the best he can given that he’s fighting an uphill battle against republicans and far right nut-bags. trump doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself and cozying up to dictators who he wants to emulate.
    Biden is not as strong at fighting the right as I’d hoped he’s be and I do believe he’s getting too old to stay in this job, but come hell or high water, I’d vote for him anytime over a damned republican! Especially trump!

    1. Obviously, most Americans are onto you Marxist America haters. Your strategy of (projecting) on Trump and his 75 million intelligent Patriots exactly who you are and your own intent is not working anymore. The RUSSIA, RUSSSIA, RUSSIA hoax against TRUMP when it was proven with evidence that it in fact was the DNC, FBI, and Hillary Clinton herself that were in bed with their Russian counterparts—-Although I assume you wouldn’t know that since to the zombie noncognitive voter base not bright enough to consider facts. So, Lori tune into MS—LSD to get some more talking points and outright lies—So run honey get your daily download—-lmao

    2. You don’t care about our country, it’s clear, you just hate the GOP. Your a blind democrate that only sees what your told. Biden is not weak, he is totally incompetent. People like you are just turning your head or putting it in the sand pretending that Biden and the democrates are not killing this great country.

    3. You are so ignorant if you think Trump only cares about himself. Biden and liberals have proven many times they only care about Americans at election time. I have told my elderly sister during Obama’s reign AND Biden’s that she would be treated better by our govt if she moved to Mexico and came back illegally. Trump proved many times that he cares about Americans including YOU! One thing of many that he did to help was to bring back jobs. He also reduced unemployment to the lowest in over 30 years. Proven! If you google, you will find over 140 accomplishments on Trump’s list. Among them is that Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize twice! What has Biden done and how many times was he nominated? Zero!

    4. I don’t like him either, and I’ve always voted for Democrats, BUT this time I may vote for Trump because he will at least he protect our boarders. Voters need to accept the fact they have to chose between two evils. I’m tired of inflation and I’m tired of seeing our country being invaded by illegal immigrants who think they are above the law and have no respect for immigration laws. They are running away from crime and poverty. But there’s also crime and poverty already in America. Look at Skid Row in Los Angeles where thousands of tax paying American citizens are living on the streets. Many of them are employed, Some even work two jobs and still can’t afford housing. America needs to solve our OWN problems. Crime and

  4. I was once a Democrat but after seeing what’s happening at the border, lax laws (if any) lawlessness throughout our cities (smash and go mobs), general lawlessness (motorcycles on sidewalks), rampant homelessness (I see it live not on the news), rise in Fetanyl fatalities ( I work in the recovery field) and President Binden stance on foreign affairs I will not be voting for him. Financially I was better off under Trump. I think Trump is a loud mouth New Yorker and obnoxious but considering all that’s occuring and the lack of police , laws more and more although I don’t like guns I am thinking of getting one for my own protection.

    1. And you think Biden is responsible for the shit that’s going on? This country‘s been falling apart for a while and it was falling apart when Trump was in office. Racist came out of the woodwork when Trump went into office. He’s the biggest racist running his own crew, so much hatred came in when he came around. People I’ve known for 40 years or more. I found out we’re full of hatred. There’s so many immigrants that came to this country over the years to find a safe place to come because their country sucks and now we’re turning everybody away. This could’ve been handled properly yes and it could’ve been handled properly when it started when Trump was there if it was done the right way it could’ve been done . But don’t blame it on Biden the Republicans fight every which way and Trump lies through his fucking teeth and that hairpiece on his head.

  5. I rarely say never but… I can never in good conscious vote for Trump! Again and again he has been proved to be a liar and immoral person! He was voted in because of the dumbing down of America! Americans have become too busy trying to get money for “stuff” that they do not research the candidates. So many people are only out for themselves and admire him because that is his attitude!
    Heaven help us if Trump is re-elected. I will strongly consider moving my family to Ireland for the duration of his term! My grandchildren do not need to be subjected to the “s—- show that will begin again! Hopefully there will be a USA to come back to!

    1. Everyone said that they would leave the country the first time!! Lmao Biden doesn’t know where he is, on far too many occasions. Anyone who votes for him is putting the final nail in our country’s demise. The damned demo-libs are destroying this country from within. Everyone’s hate for Trump is blinding them to all the many things that the Democrats are doing. The media, from magazines to TV to radio and online is owned by the Democrats and unbelievably biased against any Republican, and cozy up to all the Democrats. Trump was attacked repeatedly from his running for president and all through his presidency. Biden has been supporting the middle east as he forgets all the Americans that need that help. Does Trump need to keep his mouth shut? yes he does. Does he need to act more responsibly when he talks? Yes he does. The Democrats are paying illegals by giving them medical, welfare, places to live, and straining our educators and getting translators, which is more money. I just truly don’t know how anyone can support the Democrats and their insane overreaching “laws” that will be shoved down our throats, whether we the people can afford it or not. There are many Democrats with shady backgrounds, and many affairs etc. But the media is quiet for those indiscretions. If Trump screwed around on his partners, why is that making you all sick with hatred? Besides, I didn’t vote for him because of his PERSONAL actions and his behavior before becoming president. Times were much more peaceful, prices of everything weren’t going through the roof, illegals weren’t seemingly welcomed like they are now. What has Biden done for God’s sake? His family is corrupt, and he’s no better. Just don’t expect to see stories about it, because he and all media hides it, and TaDa, it’s buried. Trump at least really loves America and wants the best for her. So do I. That is why I’ll vote for Trump.

    2. You should stop talking about it and just do it if Trump bothers you that much! The USA you feel like you know is being lost everyday at the Border by a President whose job it is to protect our borders. By not caring and doing that job alone makes him a traitor to this great nation for that is his Primary job as President!

    3. BS. Gen. Milley, what a joke. He did betray this country. I know, I know, but what he allowed to happen to the military, caused national security to fly out the window. In case you didn’t know, him having conversations with other countries verges on treason. He had no authority to do that. Accuses the President of not being aware, of worrying about the nuclear threat, which by the way Trump never used. Alot of accusations, but no facts. You do realize that we have no justice system in this country, right? That the DOJ has been weaponized and has basicallly disappeared?

    4. I was once a Democrat, poor and expecting the government to take care of me until they kept trying to tell me what to do and I remained poor until one day I became a Republican trusting my own journey in this greatful nation

  6. Trump isn’t the best choice, but Biden has shown he doesn’t belong in office. He has left the southern border wide open and who’s to say terror cells are not in the country right now planning an attack like they did in Israel? Biden needs to go.

    1. Are you for real? You must live in a cave in ALASKA!




      1. You sounded almost normal until you couldnt refrain from calling half the people in the USA a fool. IT would honestly take a fool to not see that Biden is letting our country get run over at the borders which is his main job to protect. You and you Dear Man Biden can both pretend to love the constitution but obviously not so much so if you are willing to let our borders have a free for all for whoever wants to come here. When a President does not protect the country he is sworn to uphold and protect, he becomes a traitor to that country.

    2. Just curious , were you as strong in disagreeing with seperating the children from the parents at the “wall”. Do you know that over 5,000 children were taken from their parents on Trump’s watch? Did you know that there was no documentation done for these children? Did you know that Biden has tried his level best to bring these families together? Did you know that there are still over 1,000 children STILL sepearated from their parents? Hate to say that the only thing I agree with in your post is that “Trump isn’t the best choice.” But, if there is no “better” candidate, the GOP WILL put his name on the ballot. If that doesn’t strike fear in your heart, then nothing will.

    3. Agree. Biden is not the answer. So many mixed feelings on both parties. Sadly, we have lost our confidence as Americans because of the poor leadership we have had.

      Many prayers that God will protect us. We are in trouble.

    4. I agree about your comment on Biden, but not Trump. Our country was in far better shape with him in office. He is rough around the edges, but gets the job done.

      1. Our country was in better shape with a traitor is what you’re saying, a traitor, a thief, or rapist. Repeat that the Just judge just told him he hast to stop saying that he didn’t rape that woman. He did rape that woman. That’s what you want for our president is a rapist, he paid the woman off two women off. He paid them before the election to keep their mouth shut, but he raped them and then the one woman he badmouth her and then he got charged more money to stop it. He’s an ass he can’t keep his mouth from flap it in the breeze , he says he’s gonna be a dictator or aren’t any a few people listening I can compare him to somebody from another country history repeats itself I’ll visit you in the camps. to be remembered, and he wants to follow somebody’s footsteps. Guess who’s footsteps do I smoke? Do you hear a train?

    5. I respect everyone’s comments and concerns. Whether you are a Trump supporter or Biden supporter isn’t my greatest concern.

      My greatest concern is that we learn to stand together ” One Nation under God”.
      We need God and prayer to be our first leader.

      Satan wants to divide us. The evil is from the enemy. Not God. Satan is having a great time and loving all this division and inability to focus on what really matters.

      My comments are not to critique others thoughts or beliefs. These are difficult, challenging, frightening times. We need each other.

        1. Satin is a type of cloth…… So Trump is the worst of the worst? Are you over 5 years old or just havent had a chance to learn your history. You statement is to expansive, even for a very young fellow!

    6. Is the southern border wide open? Define wide open, please. Does it look like Ellis Island in the 1890’s -1920, or more like this hemisphere in the 15th to 19th Centuries
      Terrorists have been here, pretty much forever! Salem Witch Trials. John Wilkes Booth. Sacco & Vanzetti. The 9/11 bombers didn’t just enter the Country that morning, they learned to fly in this Country. And anyone who participated in the January 6th riot did not have peaceful intentions.
      Trump has proven that his only interest is in himself, family, and a select group of loyal sycophants. Compare that last sentence with the regime that ran the Third Reich: Trump is a Fascist! Biden may make a lot of mistakes, he may appear weak; but he has our best (yes, yours & mine) interests in mind. Trump, as I’ve already stated, has only his own interests in mind. Trump only cares about what you can do for him, not how he can better your life. My choice is for Biden.
      Anyone who thinks they’re qualified to be POTUS should be automatically disqualified!

      1. Sad part is, few in Washington are qualified. Most are just trying to fatten their portfolio any way possible.

      2. Said truthfully, intelligently and honestly. Unfortunately, some people have drank the Kool-Aid. He’s a common man and he has either people that are so rich and want to learn schemes. They don’t give a shit about anything but money and themselves. Or their below average intelligence, and they don’t care what he says they’re just gonna follow him. Biden has been in the political office for a long time and I take him over a shyster any day. He’s a pig. and I can’t believe the American people would rather have a criminal with 91 charges against him who uses talk like grab a woman by her pussy. Or any of you dads out there do you want that said about your daughter do you want that said about your wife do you say that about other women? He’s disgusting. He has made sexual comments referring to his own daughter. It’s already been proven that he has raped at least one woman, but he had has made payoffs to two women before the election to keep their mouth shut about his sexual affairs. Now why would you pay somebody off. I can’t get over what they did to Clinton and they’re not doing shit to Trump and I think he’s the worst. I don’t see why he’s getting credit for anything. It’s just got a big mouth and he takes credit for shit that other people did, he’s a bad man. I hope to not be inhaling the smoke with you. I wish it was that I didn’t have to worry and I could move to another country but there’s no place to go so now I’m really glad that I’m old and I won’t be around for that much longer .

    7. Ignorance running rapid. Study, read, investigate. These things may not be your strong suite, but listening to so called news that has been deemed entertainment by the courts leaves one ignorant to truth.

      1. Too bad it’s gonna happen in the country that we grew up knowing and loving. It scares me. There’s nowhere to go we can’t run we can’t hide. The orange man is going to get us and we’re gonna let it happen. I see history, repeating itself other people are welcoming it.

  7. I want the former Republican Party back!

    Trump is a con man and I am stunned that he has any followers at all.

    Therapy and prison are what I would elect him to.

    1. What part makes him a con man—-working for no salary?—-Across the board tax cuts to the poor?
      Maybe no wars?—-Would it be his support of GOD?——Support for troops?—-How about not letting terrorists come into America’s wide open Southern border?—-maybe that he didn’t allow Mexican drug cartel to get filthy rich poisoning Americans with fentanyl.—-How about wa it because he had a high enough IQ to know the difference between X and Y chromosome? Maybe he was and is intelligent. Or because he stood for women’s rights and would never allow the (sexist policies of Democrats with their war on women as they have declared on women’s sports?—-maybe he’s not a monster and a masochist with a lust for butchering children promoting whacking off their anatomy? Then again how about he supports (parental rights) ?

      So why would anyone support DNC? antisemite? Their racism? Their sexism? Their support of Satan? $6 a gallon gas—-$12 a pound ground beef?—-8% mortgage rates?—runaway inflation?
      open borders importing terrorism?—-I could go on but to summarize for you haters it appears you all agree it seems you support JOE’S obvious goal of nuclear holocaust as he is doing his best to start WW3 as a result of his and your cowardness and tyranny??

  8. I could not disagree more with all of these comments, Trump is the best! His policies were good for America.

    1. Trump applauded both Putin and Hamas has done and is doing to Ukraine and Israel respectively. If you think that is a good thing then you do not have American values. Trump is a thief. He has been convicted in the State of New York for setting up a children’s charity for children’s cancer research then took that donated money for his personal use. Is that your values? You have no idea about American values!

    2. Where did you grow up in RUSSIA with a DICTATOR?

      1. Not what it says. Read again, please. You know what scares me, people like you, who don’t seem to do any forward thinking. If you preferred the constitution, it seems like you should be able to explain it correctly. What really scares me is the two party system that has developed in this country. It’s very sad when lawmakers avoid their oath of office, when people show more loyalty to a political party than their constitution, and their fellow citizens. The politicians who then take the oath of office with absolutely no intention of voting their states or districts needs and wants over their own. What terrifies me is a politician of either party weaponizing government agencies against people they don’t want elected or maybe just in general. 4 more years of Biden we won’t have a country anymore, at least not one with a justice system. The J6 people, supposedly insurrectionists, are still in jail, no trial date in sight, outrageous sentences. I didn’t know that it was the government’s intention to ruin fellow citizens lives, but that’s what is being done, and we’re all allowing it. Very sad. Very very sad. And I’m not attacking you, but I just don’t think you are really thinking this through. I’ll give you some questions to follow up on. If they succeed in removing Trump from ballots, at least in Colorado, you can’t do a write in, they will disallow your vote. If you aren’t allowed to vote the way you want on a secret ballot, they’ve disenfranchised my vote, and if they disenfranchise my vote, what have we turned into? A dictatorship, and it won’t be Trump that’s caused this. Would it even be considered an election if they are? Would it even be considered a legal election? Oh and by the way, even if they convict Trump on some of these ridiculous charges, he could still serve as president, nothing in the constitution prevents it, then what? You’ve got to remember, the other party–in this case, Republican–can do the same thing the democrats are doing right now with the same results–scary, huh. You’ve also got to remember, if they won’t accept my choice or millions of other peoples choice, then isn’t everybody voting going to be disenfranchised. It’s not right. We need peace among the citizens, accountability from our politicans regardless of party, honesty in government, our oversight and due diligence and how about just common courtesy amongst ourselves. Everyone must vote the way they believe and let everybody else vote the way they feel, without name calling, and rudeness. I think that’s what I’m most discouraged by, the way we trreat each other.

    3. Agree 100%. We better hope and pray Trump gets re-elected. Biden (or whoever is running the country) has made one heck of a mess of things and we are in trouble.

    4. Lawrence of course President Trump was the best .The ones who dislike him are usually the ones who think with their feelings not the brain. Trump is a leader & a no nonsense person & a non politician . What he did for this country in 4 years was amazing ,employment ,military,all but defeating ISIS .economy ,workers 104 retirement plans making money & doing it all while fighting the hate & the lies from the loons on the left! as they spend our tax dollars on proven fraudulent claims .These loons are like children who get their feelings hurt & are willing to give up their country to a buffoon who can barely form a sentence let alone run a country! Unfortunately the demise of this once great country will be at the hands of the left wing loons & some of them are not even aware their doing it !

  9. Trump is better than Biden in every respect. No contest. Trump better man and a better leader.
    Biden is a venal man. Corrupt to the core. He only cares about enriching himself and his immediate family. He (Biden) has destroyed this country with his policies. Under Biden we’ve seen wars break due to his policies; national strife; economic woes; a country divided. Biden was never a leader; is not a leader and never will be a leader. 2024: out with a fraud; in with DJT a true leader.

  10. After reading the above 4 comments, I agree with all of them! I wouldn’t vote for Trump if he was the last possible choice! Biden is doing his best and, obviously, he is getting old and looks and sounds it. However, he has our country’s best interests at heart and is a decent human.

    1. Biden is a fool and corrupt. HE isn’t running our country….he is just a puppet controlled by ‘someone’s’ money and personal agenda. Biden needs to be in a memory care unit…..not leading our country and making a fool out of it! We are in big trouble with him in office.

    2. Are you joking? You will find that the only people Biden has looked out for is the Biden Family Dynasty where even the Biden Grand Children are getting checks from foreign governments.

  11. Joe Biden has moral and values. I’m proud of the way he represents America. He’s knowledgeable and God fearing.
    Go with Joe! That’s my slogan. He’s doing the best he can.
    God be with him and America!

      1. So what do you call weaponizing the DOJ to go after those who are a threat to you and your politics? Yeap that would be Biden.

    1. Ohhh Kim, Joe Biden is so corrupt it is funny! It will all come out. He is so much worse than Trump. He lies, he thinks he is above the law and he raised a terrible son. He has ruined our country and worse put us all in danger!

  12. We need to STOP using the former presidents name, and stop giving him a forum. He has singlehandedly destroyed our country by dividing us. He is a threat to our constitution. He is a sex offender, speaks horribly about people who don’t like him and uses inflammatory rhetoric. He has stolen from Americans by cheating on his taxes FOREVER. He is disgusting, fat, sweaty, greasy…wearing old suits that are threadbare (must not have found a tailor to steal from). He doesn’t pay for anything, just leaves the poor people who worked for him penniless. He is heartless, narcissistic and evil. He brought all of the snakes out of their holes. He tried to steal Americans votes (likely had help from Putin in getting the votes that he got) He sent people to destroy Capitol building.
    He had 91 indictments pending. He ruins the lives of everyone he touches. He follows the Mein Kampf book of how to be like Hitler. He should never be on the ballot. He stole and shared our country’s secrets.. he should be in a federal penitentiary for the rest of his miserable life.

  13. Wow, lots of TDS among this group. Biden is rotten to the core. On the record, because it is history, Biden gave the eulogy for a KKK leader, he has made numerous racist comments. Were you not completely floored about the Obama comment? Or are you too young to know history? Or calling adult black men “boy”? He smells and inappropriately touches young girls ON CAMERA! Before AI! Seriously!! But that is secondary to how he is destroying our nation. His family has laundered OUR tax money and made him and his family rich! You’re rooting for someone who came into politics poor and is now rich!! DJT came in wealthy, donated his salary to charities, and left the office with less wealth.. he was not perfect but much better than Biden. Bidenomics is a total failure, our borders are wide open with an untold amount of cartels just walking on in, deaths by fentanyl are up 300% and many young teens!, we are on the brink of WWIII. If you are not feeling any pressure or stress of what is happening in this world under this doddering fool, then you are complicit. The press in the 80’s was honest, they called him “Lyin Biden” that man wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him!

    1. So you are going to ignore how Ivanka and jerad made billions of dollars while working for the US government? I guess you didn’t see Trump’s tax returns and see how little taxes he paid..? Let’s look at all the corrupt individuals he brought into the government who resigned or convicted under Trump’s leadership.

      1. At least they had legal valid companies and paid taxs. Capitalism is not illegal. Foreign companies and hiding your money to avoid taxs is.

  14. I wasn’t going to comment because I do not see this as an “unbiased” article. Definitely biased! The article is very well written yet does not share the details and facts rather it only shares half truths that are manipulated at times against both men and always slanted in favor of President Biden……yeah very biased. I was raised to be a Conservative Christian Democrat which my Democrat party now calls “Kennedy Democrats” and says we’re no longer welcome in the party or that those “Kennedy Democrats” remaining will soon “die off”. While I have never voted straight party line always did my own research to vote for the individual. Yet I voted for President Clinton, Vice President Gore and President Obama actually spent alot of my time campaigning for President Obama and I have even served in Democrat Party leadership at municipality and county levels. While I have always supported even encouraged open political discussions and civil respectful debate (will continue to do so) I have never and will NEVER be hateful, disrespectful or unkind in common discourse as well as I will always condemn and speak out against hate of any kind in anyway. My Democrat Party doesn’t exist anymore we’re no longer the peoples party the “big tent” party where ALL opinions an ideas are heard and seriously considered in respectful, kind and intelligent thought provoking discussion………that once great party started dieing in President Obamas second term to NO fault of his rather the power hungry, control freaking megalomanic unhinged narcissist’ behind the scenes trying to usher in a very real one world government. These people don’t want to lead us and definitely don’t want to really hear and consider what “we the people” have to say…….NOT lead us they wanna RULE us. This no longer proud to be a member of the Democrat Party U.S.A. Patriot has no use for the Republican Party or my own Democrat Party both major political party’s have long ago abandon “we the people”. It’s my hope that every American will register to, research the INDIVIDUAL candidates (Not citizen useless political party’s) and cast their INDIVIDUAL vote this election cycle. Now for ALL you mob rule, mob groupies who scroll the Internet to spew your HATE in order to discredit and discourage ANY voice that doesn’t follow, agree with or tow your views line of agenda…….please feel free to HATE away on my comments. You see I know that’s your right as it is my right to choose NOT to spread hate. Hoping all of us have a great day!

  15. Biden is the worst president I have ever seen.
    Biden left billions in American arms in Afghanistan, some of which is now being used to attack Israel.
    Biden has an open border policy which has crippled our country in finances and safety.
    Biden has run up a lot of debt for our country which will lead to higher taxes for generations.
    Trump is one of the best presidents I have ever seen.
    Trump strengthened our military, not weakened it.
    Trump started building our important border wall, to save American lives, safety and funds.
    Trump worked to cost savings and cut taxes for American people.
    Trump is the smarter choice!!!

  16. Even if Biden were to die in office he has surrounded himself with highly experienced people who know what they are doing and how to do it. With Trump, who is almost as old as Biden, we would be stuck his bunch of sycophantic, inexperienced crazies.

  17. As bad as Trump may be Biden is far worse.
    Highest inflation since Carter. Loss of energy independence. Ceding control of the border to drug cartels letting in over 6 million illegal immigrants and tons of fentanol and the list goes on and on.
    There is far more evidence to impeach Biden than there was for Trump.
    Corruption at the least.
    BTW Biden lies more than Trump did,
    He gets a pass because of his senility

  18. The Republican Party has went down hill since TRUMP took over the party .Trump should be nowhere near the White House . He is not only bad for his party but bad for our country . Because of TRUMPS control the republicans can not even elect a house speaker because the election deniers are blocking everything . If they caint even elect a speaker how can they expect to run the country . If they really want to drain the swamp . Get rid of TRUMP and all thr TRUMPERS . .

  19. I was born a Democrat and I will die as one. The Republicans are greedy people interested in power and reversing so many freedoms we as Americans have. I don’t choose to return to the dark ages! The color white is just a color. It doesn’t mean all opinions are smart.Personally we are all beyond the good old “boy” years who have never done anything the the Average American period.

  20. Considering the sh!tshow he walked into, Biden had done an exceptional job at taking on the plethora of catastrophe that he’s been faced with. The economy has stabilized far sooner than expected, a remarkable amount of stout legislation has passed, and he has unified NATO and our allies against our adversaries. This is all while the Nectarine Narcissist keeps throwing gasoline on the MAGAToddler fire.

  21. If there ever was an essential democratic(small d) to be at the right place at the right time to totally correct the absolutely correct, repair, and assist in this nation’s needed healing, it is Joe Biden! Although the framers of the Constitution could never fully anticipate what a catastrophe Trump’s election(including a minority of votes compared to Hillary), the contracted was totally UNPRECIDENTED(a word way to used to described his totally Unamerican time in office! I am so proud of President Biden’s current accomplishments in office and am very grateful that he may be deemed “the chosen one” in a real spiritual sense.

  22. At the moment I am unsure on who I will vote for as Biden’s age is a concern and Trump has
    become bombastic in his rhetoric. I am looking at the other candidates for now and will
    decide when the roster is completed.

  23. Im sick of liberals and their puppet Biden. They hate America and let illegals and terrorist in our country. We are no longer respected as a nation bc of the Dems. Just ask the democratic mayor of NYC how he feels about illegals coming to his city. There are no longer American values. The only thing Dems can think about is their hatred for Trump. Trump loves America even though he doesn’t have a good bedside manner.

  24. Come on folks! From the beginning of time, no man has ever been considered to have been perfect, not even Jesus who shunned family and asked everyone to obediently follow him.
    In terms of “corruption”, simply do the math and chart the differences between the two men: Biden vs. Trump. In doing so consider the legal indictments and the immoral allegations brought against each over the span of their entire lives.
    Then make your best moral and considered choice in the next presidential election!

  25. Not sure whether there is enough space to comment about each of the paragraphs listed above, but in aggregate, I will support the President over Trump if they both appear on the ballot in 2024 for a variety of reasons:

    First, Trump wants to be king, not president. Everything he did during the 2020 campaign starting with his claim that he could only lose was if the election was rigged set the baseline for his subsequent loss. As it turned out, the 2020 presidential election was probably the more free and fair ever. Everything he did subsequent to the election and resulting in the insurrection at the Capitol on J6 and still 147 Republican members of Congress voted to not certify the Biden victory tells me all that we need to know about what will happen if Trump is re-elected in 2024, and the Republicans take control of both chambers in the Congress. I am afraid that, due to the hyper-partisanship, tribalism, and Trump’s control of the Republican party apparatus plus his personal desire to be king, that should that happen, there won’t be a presidential election in 2028, and the republic known as the United States of America will cease to exist.

    Beyond this, everything else pales.

  26. Really, old man Biden sux and Kamala more sux-anyone who can’t see that Trump is the best choice ain’t living in reality; given the other candidates you Dems will never see what’s good for our country and if more of the same is our future-no comment is necessary !

  27. Joe has shown he has no morals , he is of the devil with his values, he is as crooked as they get, we are doomed either way, but GOD will be the judge of both men, with Trump we were beginning to pull ourselves out of a hole, now we are deeper than ever, we need a President that cares for what America needs not themselves

  28. President Biden has done nothing but hurt this country and the people of it. I don’t vote for Trump, I vote for the Republican party. Why? I vote against socialism. I vote for the 2nd Amendment. I vote for the Constitutional Republic. I vote for the police, law and order and the military and the right to bear arms. I vote for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I vote for secure borders. I vote for the right to praise God without fear. I vote for unborn babies. I vote for liberty, freedom and the American dream. I’m voting for the future of this country that the Democrats are trying to take away. I spent too many years fighting for this country to see the far left piss it away.

    1. Right on. Millions of democrats feel the same way but are afraid to say. For fear of being dragged out of their house at 6am by Bidens FBI.

    2. Everyone said that they would leave the country the first time!! Lmao Biden doesn’t know where he is, on far too many occasions. Anyone who votes for him is putting the final nail in our country’s demise. The damned demo-libs are destroying this country from within. Everyone’s hate for Trump is blinding them to all the many things that the Democrats are doing. The media, from magazines to TV to radio and online is owned by the Democrats and unbelievably biased against any Republican, and cozy up to all the Democrats. Trump was attacked repeatedly from his running for president and all through his presidency. Biden has been supporting the middle east as he forgets all the Americans that need that help. Does Trump need to keep his mouth shut? yes he does. Does he need to act more responsibly when he talks? Yes he does. The Democrats are paying illegals by giving them medical, welfare, places to live, and straining our educators and getting translators, which is more money. I just truly don’t know how anyone can support the Democrats and their insane overreaching “laws” that will be shoved down our throats, whether we the people can afford it or not. There are many Democrats with shady backgrounds, and many affairs etc. But the media is quiet for those indiscretions. If Trump screwed around on his partners, why is that making you all sick with hatred? Besides, I didn’t vote for him because of his PERSONAL actions and his behavior before becoming president. Times were much more peaceful, prices of everything weren’t going through the roof, illegals weren’t seemingly welcomed like they are now. What has Biden done for God’s sake? His family is corrupt, and he’s no better. Just don’t expect to see stories about it, because he and all media hides it, and TaDa, it’s buried. Trump at least really loves America and wants the best for her. So do I. That is why I’ll vote for Trump.

  29. I agree with Biden supporters. He beats Trump hands down! The issue with the Second Amendment also is better with Biden. The right to bear arms, while I support it, was written when it took 15 minutes to reload after a single shot. And single shots were all that existed. I wonder if our founding fathers would have more to say in that Amendment if they could see the future atrocities committed with automatic weapons on innocents, and having those weapons justified under that Amendment!

  30. Donald J. Trump should only be running for dog-catcher. He makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. When ranking our presidents he should be ranked about 100th. He has ruined our country and should be behind bars for his misdeeds.

    1. @Dennis Spano, wrong. I am far left, but the only bad thing during Trumps tenure was loading the SCOTUS. Other than that, there were no wars, and the he was even right about covid.

  31. Biden is the worst president we ever had. A corrupt pedophile.
    AND Im A DEMOCRAT. Most of my democrat friends and family feel the same way.
    Also this survey reads like a propaganda piece from CNN. Lots of fake news. Why on earth would voters be outraged by tax cuts ,are you serious?

  32. If you think you will always get what you always got, do not be shocked if it is gone;

    Ever participate in your freedom – military, police, first responder, education;

    Freedom costs – look at our national debt- everyone wants but no one wants to pay;

  33. Trump is a business man , forget his personality and see that he has a great plan for this country , the middle east would not attempt war if he was in !
    The current president spent his life mating money for his family , he is a talking head for his last boss

  34. I get it, its really hard to admit you made a mistake, or admit that you were tricked into something, so you are trying so desperately hard to justify your choice, do you really need this clearly one sided poll to tell you what to think??? All you had to do was be alive between 2016 to present, and if you were paying attention AT ALL during that time, your choice would be CRYSTAL CLEAR!! You don’t have to tell anyone who you voted for, its all secretly done, because of course we know if you told your friends you voted one way, they might beat the crap out of you, and we don’t want that!! So admit you were wrong, even if its just to yourself, you don’t have to say it out loud, and lets come together to fix this mess we are in, stop these unnecessary wars, bring peace and stability back to this once great Nation!! USA!!!

  35. President Biden has tried every way he knows to work with a broken Republican Party. If we ever want to get this country back on track we need to elect House members that are willing to work as a bipartisan group to correct the many problems we have. As for gun laws, why should any upright citizen in good standing have any objection to an expanded background checks before purchasing a gun. We also need to remove the right to sell guns by traders and online. One more thing, the instructions for making ghost guns needs to be removed from social media and book shelves.
    As for Trump, he has proven to be an unlawful, self-serving person. He deserves to go to prison for the crimes he has committed. Especially for the attack on the Capitol on January 6th.

  36. It is a sad reflection of the country I served 10 years in the Navy for during Operation Desert Storm, that there would be ANY citizens of this country that would want a criminal authoritarian to be president of the United States. I read some of these posts and shake my head at the deprived state our country currently resides in. I am an Independent that realizes the extreme danger Trump represents to Democracy itself and the saddening support he has from a frightened Western European Anglo-Saxon slice of populace dreading progression to a unified America with Liberty and justice for ALL, not just a sector of the populace. I was horrified that he got so many votes in the last election, truly end times following for a man that could well be the Antichrist

    1. i guess it’s no big deal you don’t have to pay for groceries or gas and you likely got your mortgage when the rates were low!! i appreciate your service to our country, but my pocketbook is not happy about anything the current admin has done for my wallet and after all what good are the wonderful places to visit in this country if you can’t afford tp visit them!!

    2. Robert A. you will sucked into that illegal war of Desert Storm and now are trying to tell us what it right? Sorry, but Desert Storm was totally criminal. Saddam has asked the US ambassador Glasspie, for permission to punish Kuwait for stealing oil. So the US was totally wrong and committed massive war crimes like the Highway of Death.

  37. Most republicans got their heads up somewhere where they can’t see the light. Backbone is not in their vocabulary. Trump has them running scared. You have to wonder the stupidity of a huge number of Americans. Trump is doing nothing but leading them to barrels of kool- aid. Any american who thinks Trump cares about them or the people they love is a fool. He is a disgrace as an American, a human being, as a man, and a disgrace to our Constitution as president. I look at character to judge. He has had at least 20 prior officials under indictment, gone to prison, or crooks that have been pardoned, and now a group have been pleading guilty almost daily. No shame. The southern border, guns, etc etc are all secondary to me, those have been a problem for decades. Did mexico pay for the wall?!? That’s just ONE of Trumps fact checked 37,000 lies! And you could go on and on about the deficit. Trump raised it by 4T, some say more like 8T. The shitlist, could go on and on and on. And internationally?? He is loved by thugs. Overall, he is one scary man.

    1. Unfortunately most Democrats can’t see what is right in front of them. Our borders overrun, illegals and terrorists flooding our streets. Sorry, Biden has to go. No wars under Trump, economy good under Trump, gas prices reasonable, stable relationships with our adversaries throughout the world under Trump. Yes, the man is a crappy person but we need someone to keep the wheels on the bus, not throw American citizens under said bus.

  38. I think it’s sad, Joe Biden looks like he belongs in an assisted living facility. Donald Trump the worst president in the history of the United States, belongs in Jail.

  39. In order to know who and what Trump is just read the book PSYCHOPATHY as it gives you the 20 personality traits that helps a doctor determines one a Psychopath and how dangerous he is. I read the book when he was running for President and make no mistake, he would “take care of Biden” before he would let Biden live to beat him out again. Trump’s neice has been right all along!!! Trump is the most dangerous man in the!

    1. Nonsense. You can’t psychoanalyze someone from their speeches. Trump in general was correct, and he knows what would make the most business sense for the country. If nothing else. Trump started no illegal war like Obama, Hillary, and Biden did. They called it an “Arab Spring”, but it really was bribes, crime, and murder.

    2. Biden is even MORE dangerous. Look at what he did to the country so far! Are you so blind you cannot see? I hope not.

  40. I believe the difference is that Trump followers are mostly non-educated and Biden followers are educated.
    Meaning the difference is being well educated enough to know the difference between Trump and Biden.
    I am a moderate and lived in both red and blue states and see that education difference.
    Red states uneducated people yelling about Trump and not really understanding him as a real bad person.
    Blue states educated people thinking they are right all the time and believing in an old Biden.
    All that matters is that we are Red blooded Americans and should not let any of this divide our nation.
    But social media and news networks have already done that!!

  41. I don’t know much about the creators of this forum. I am usually suspect of such forums as being hidden one-sided. This forum has attracted me not so much because of the presentation but because of the responses which are on both sides of the issue, the responders have taken a very strong position on both sides. In truth, I am more concerned about the people who are voting, than who they are voting for. The voters are the people who make this country what it is. It appears from these responses that there is no middle ground, but very strong, oppositional sides. I only hope that people continue to strive to look for truth honesty, integrity, and candidates who are more interested in the welfare of the country than in themselves. I worry about the United States at this juncture. We are not infallible, and we can fail if we are not careful. Pray that God continues to bless this country.

  42. God save us from Trump and the Republican Party that backs him. I was an R for years till the lunatic fringe took over and the ultra right know he will pander to them…God save the USA from this horrible man and party.

  43. Never realize till reading your replies that so many of you support the democratic pedifiles wow your poor kids may God have mercy on them

  44. i just read about 30 of these and nowhere does it really hit on the big difference, my pocketbook feels. gas up almost 100% mortgage rates gone from less than 3% to over 7%. that by the way means a borrower paying 430.00 a month for 100,000. loan in 2020 would now be paying around 700.00 of course that magnifies as your borrowing increases. i heard of voters being lied to, but we were never told about these increases until we had to pay back the money handed out to anyone and everyone and even to illegals that have never put into the system!!

  45. I have a question. Who here has studied our previous presidents? Can you name some that were hated and why?

    Would it shock you to know much of the hateful things you are saying have been said about some of the people, Presidents, you hold high in esteem for how they progressed our country. We had liars, corruption, disgraced, and hated political figures from day one. Check the old newspapers. But today the majority of them are thought well due to decisions they made.

    I regret that we are such a divided nation that has strayed so far from our founding.

    Several mention the dumbing down of America. A plan put forth in the 1940’s. Read it and know that the majority of you came through that system. The same system Russia said they would use to take over American and never fire a shot.

    Wake up America, learn your constitution and laws. I cannot believe we have come to Sodom and Gomorrah through all this ignorance. Yes, I am a Christian, and proud of it. Yes I am an American, and proud of it. And no I will not be voting for Biden. Go Trump, please bring us back to a God fearing safe country. Notice I did not say Christian, but God.

  46. The article is bogus. For example, it says Trump reduced taxes. And while it is true he reduced certain rates, the tax income revenue during his tenure increased. So in effect he had to have raised taxes. That is because lower rates stimulates business. which then results in greater tax revenue.

  47. Looks like no one in this exchange has ever heard of Robert Kennedy Jr. He’s running for POTUS as well. If you take the time to listen to what he stands for, which you can do by going to his site (Childrens Health Defense) you might come to the same conclusion I have. He is our only hope of stopping the partisan bickering we have endured for far too long. He actually has a platform of implementable ideas that are free of dementia and vitriol.

  48. Biden is a moron, bought and paid for polotian, letting illegals in the country with no, repercussions. Ruining our economy. At least had the balls to tell two bir dictators who were want to threaten the United States of America with war, “do it and will blow you off the map. The only reason the politicians don’t like him is because they can’t buy him. Biden is a moron piece of crap selling our country out. Biden need GONE!!!!!!!!

  49. Remember how Democrats would not allow people go to funerals or to schools. Just remember how Democrats FORCED us to wear masks, and yet they were caught many times without theirs. As for insurance, remember that Democrats voted to penalize citizens if they did not buy insurance, and then offer it free to illegals. And the real pincher is WE pay for the insurance they give to illegals for free. More proof that Democrats only care about people in other countries!

  50. Why isn’t anyone calling what is happening to Biden for what it is; elder abuse. The old man is obviously mentally diminished. If he were not President and being led around on a leash it would be elder abuse. It amazes me in a country of 330 + million we are likely to have two old worn out men to choose from for President. If that is the case, I’ll choose the lesser of the two evils since Trump at least demonstrates some degree of sanity.

  51. Donald Trump is the most dangerous individual to ever happen to our country. He openly says that he intends to destroy our Constitution and turn our country into a state where he is the chief for life. No more honest elections once he becomes President again. I am confused because so many people I know support him in spite of the lies he has told and the illegal things he has done. January 7th should have been the end, but he’s still not in jail. Frankly, I’m terrified that the Supreme Court will ignore the 14th Amendment and that Trump could win the 2024 election and that America will no longer be the country I grew up in. I keep reminding myself that God isa in charge and He has plans for our country’s future.

  52. What a biased article! Tell the bad about Biden! All this did was make it look as if Trump has the bad policies! Do not insult my intelligence by saying this is an unbiased fact sheet. Biden is bankrupting this country! Millions of illegals that get free everything while our Vets are homeless! ILLEGALS over running our schools, our hospitals, and cities.

  53. Personally, as an independent voter that votes for the best person for the office and not a blind party line, we are once again faced with choosing the lesser of 2 evils.
    On one side is a petty, narcissistic, rich businessman who sides with the rich over the poor but would be better for the economy and security of the nation.
    On the other side is a petty, criminalistic, rich but going senile politician who can’t remember his lines and sides with foreign countries that want nothing more than to bring the nation to it’s knees.
    Given my choice I would vote for neither one. Hopefully the Democrats will realize the need to put forward candidates that are acceptable to a majority of their not just their party. Even Kennedy would be a better choice than these two fools.

  54. Are there that many totally blind individuals in this country? How many more illegal immigrants have to breach our boarders before you wake up. Look at all the crime and heartless killers are we going to allow to control our cities before some one shakes some sense in your heads. I’m sure Donald Trump isn’t a saint but he will never be as bad as BIDEN is no matter what happens in 2024. What are you gonna do God forbid if something happens to Biden before his term is up and your left with that bumbling giggling idiot Kamala Harris. What a joke.

  55. Very interesting takes by both sides, however, I have a hard time understanding where anyone can truly want four more years of Biden failures, gaffes, and slips. I believe both sides want immigration reform, legal immigration. Right now we have a wide open border and those coming through aren’t vetted and have vanished into the country. Our foreign policy is in shambles as countries now refuse to even give Biden an audience. The US has sent $225 million per day since February 2021 to Ukraine with no accountability. The green energy Biden has promised has been a total disaster. Kamala has been nothing but cringeworthy, mayor Pete has been absent, and Blinken’s nose is brown after every foreign visit. My taxes are up. My gas is up. My utilities are up. Mortgage rates are up. Can someone tell me what positives this administration has given the American people?

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