Biden, Trump, and 5 Other Politicians Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Photo by Microgen from Shutterstock

New York Governor Andre Cuomos has been recently added to the list of major U.S. political figures in both parties to be faced with se*ual misconduct accusations and multiple calls to step down.

Moreover, Cuomo insisted that he wouldn’t resign, even though he received multiple calls to do so from an increasingly large list of New York Democrats who were unwilling to wait for the outcome of two investigations into the claims that seven women had made so far against him.

If you have the slightest curiosity to read about political figures who clearly misbehaved in a very condemnable way, you’re going to love this article. We made a list of famous political figures who faced se*ual misconduct accusations and their responses:

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3 Responses

  1. Joe Biden is completely incompetent!! Our economy was going well when Trump was president!!! Biden sold us out to China!!

    1. That is a load of Bull sh^t!! Our company shutdown in March 2020…….when YOUR P O S azzwipe president was in office. First time in 33 years I had to go to unemployment!!! After Biden became president we got our company up and running with a $3.90 per hour raise. Trump will forever be the azzhole who killed our country and the reason this whole worldwide level of inflation.

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