A Trump resignation
There’s always a chance that an incarcerated Trump might admit that he should decline to serve as president for the good of the country. He could even declare his intentions before Inauguration Day or even be sworn in and then resign right away.
In either scenario, the duly elected vice president would then become president. However, this kind of prison-house conversion would seem highly unlikely.
As long as we’re debating, there are two other scenarios that are possible. One of them is more far-fetched than the resignation, but who knows?
A prison presidency
Remember those TV shows where an incarcerated mob boss doesn’t cease to pull the strings of his criminal organization from his prison cell? What if we’d see Trump in a similar position?
Maybe he would even enjoy the drama and spectacle of being the leader of the free world in a customized and lavishly appointed wing of a prison.
State and federal officials could be even more willing to make these types of accommodations, even if they’re not willing to let Trump go. If he can’t go to the White House, then he could make the White House come to him. We could call it “The White Prison.” The future seems bright, innit?
13 Responses
he needs to be in prison
Do you believe the Biden Crime Family shouldn’t go to prison too?
I hope you believe the Biden Crime Family should go to prison too? Biden doesn’t believe he can win fairly, so he uses democrat judges and prosecutors to help him win the election. That is really sad.
Trump violated no law. Presidents are immune to all classified doc laws, and can give permanent copies of any classified docs to anyone, including himself. The NY law Bragg used is to prevent scammers from adding false profit entries to books, and hush money NDA purchases are “legal expenses” for a celebrity. Jan 6 was protected political expression. There can be no such thing as a fraudulent elector since the parties pick them before the election, and they act in public sessions of the state legislature.
you must be Democrate. What a shame that you cannot be neutral. That really comes through with you article? It also seems you are very angry. It shows.
What is most illegal is trying to prevent an election with bogus charges against a candidate. I have NEVER seen anything as illegal as that in the whole history of the country.
Then you weren’t listening closely. The 2020 election WAS stolen with drop boxes and phony mail in ballots and the Democrat party used the Covid 19 pandemic as a cover for it….I am sorry you can’t see this. The Democrats have said out loud ” Don’t let a tragedy go to waste” (Hillary Clinton) ” We will do anything to stop Trump” (Nancy Pelosi)…. Now just take a look at all of the phony indictments against the man (Merrick Garland) and all he wants to do is make America Great Again. WHO ARE THE REAL ENEMY HERE?
This is getting SO old!
We all watched Preston Trump on January 6th give a peaceful and impressive speech
to the thousands of people who thought
the election was stolen from him. He should not be held responsible for what happened afterwards. When you watch the videos, you see the Capitol Police welcoming the people into the building. Why didn’t Pelosi bring
In the National Guard when she knew the
crowd was expected to be huge? Too many unanswered questions have to be investigated so we can, hopefully, learn
the truth about January 6th. Hopefully, when President Trump is our 47th president, we shall finally know the truth!
This Jack Smith is like a dog after a bone! Will he ever give up? His charges against President Trump are so bogus! It is hard to believe a lawyer would spend so much
time, effort and money on a case that will,
hopefull, fizzle out when President Trump
is elected our 47th President!
Trump when elected can turn the table on this ass hole and dis bar him from ever practicing law again anywhere period.
Gaurented Civil War… Take that to the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I’d have voted for Debs for that reason-and his being a political prisoner due to the vindictive Wilson.