6 Reasons Trump Won the 2024 Election

Photo by Rokas Tenys at Shutterstock

The results only reflect a worldwide trend

The results of 2024 are less surprising if we look at them through the global lens. incumbent candidates and establishment figures start to lose more often against anti-establishment, “strongman” leaders. The loss of Vice President Kamala Harris is just another example of this phenomenon.

But what made the public opinion suddenly shift? The main factor is the fear and uncertainty that people feel worldwide caused by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing economic challenges, such as high inflation.

People are simply anxious about their future, and they want leaders who have a decisive, no-nonsense approach rather than the ones they already have or are associated with the current leaders.

The “anti-institution movement” is a global trend that shows us how people don’t trust government agencies, universities, schools, and medical systems anymore. These institutions should help society advance, but right now most people refuse to give power to any of them.

Political parties have shifted

According to many political reporters, the base of Republicans is now mostly made up of working-class people, whereas the coalition of Democrats is disproportionately composed of professionals, university professors, and other specialists.

The Democratic Party is now home to “the enforcers of propriety,” or people who are seen as the guardians of established systems and norms. At the same time, the Republican Party became more appealing to working-class voters who felt that the above-mentioned people and institutions betrayed them.

The split is also visible in how many industries identify with the two parties. Based on the data, those working in highly skilled information industries are more inclined to vote Democratic, while those operating in agriculture and mining are more likely to favor the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

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