6 Reasons Trump Won the 2024 Election

the next US president election primaries, Harris and Trump
Photo by Evan El-Amin from Shutterstock

The whole landscape favored Republicans

It was clear from the start that the 2024 election was always going to be an uphill battle for the Democrats. For the past two years, most Americans were not happy with the current economy and were also more and more concerned about issues like border crossings.

It’s true that there were some good changes, such as low unemployment, rising wages, and lower inflation, but Americans are still struggling with higher prices and the lack of affordable housing. Even more, the Federal Reserve’s efforts to fight inflation implied raising interest rates, and this only made things impossible for people trying to get mortgages or car loans.

Angry voters place the blame on the Biden administration despite the economic growth experienced after the pandemic. The US recovered so much faster and better compared to other countries.

In the view of voters, Vice President Harris tried to distance herself from economic issues. And Trump’s widely criticized management of the pandemic was hardly a factor this time, as people longed for the robust economy of five years ago.

Voters believed Trump more, not just on economic issues but also on immigration, crime, and foreign policy.

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