6 Great US Presidents Who Are Related to Celebrities

presidents who are related to celebrities
Photo by mark reinstein from shutterstock.com

5. Bush family and Princess Diana

Which one of these presidents who are related to celebrities is your favorite?

How many famous people are related to the Bush family? Well, as it turns out, many, and some of them aren’t just stars but royalties. When they looked at different genealogy charts, different experts concluded that Bush was the 11th cousin of beloved Princess Diana Spencer, twice removed.

What they discovered is that the two of them were linked to Bush’s 11th great-grandfather, a man named Thomas Mitchell, who was born many centuries ago, in 1566.

There are also other sources who say that Princess Diana and former President Bush might’ve been related through Henry Spencer, the 15th-century squire who begat the fabulous Spencer family tree that spread across the Atlantic to New England somewhere around the 1600s.

So, do you know what that means? Prince Harry and Prince William might be related to the former American president too, and that’s pretty amazing. Keep reading, because we’re not done talking about presidents who are related to celebrities!

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