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Meet the Best 10 Vice Presidents Our Country Has Ever Had!

Top 10 best vice presidents in the United States

The vice president’s duties have changed throughout the course of American history from a merely ceremonial one to a vital and important one that determines the future of this country.

While the president is in the spotlight, the vice president frequently puts in significant effort in the background to assist, stabilize, and provide leadership to the government.

These vice presidents we are going to talk about have remained in history for their diverse range of talents, leadership qualities, and vast experience.

In this article, we go through time to reveal the top 10 vice presidents who have made a lasting impact on the country’s political landscape.

vice president
Photo by mark reinstein from Shutterstock

10. Gerald Ford (1973-1974)

Gerald Ford came as vice president through difficult times. President Richard Nixon chose him because he was calm, confident, and capable. During that time, the main issues were Spiro Agnew’s tax evasion and money laundering scandals and the country needed a powerful vice president to re-establish confidence.

Ford did a great job, with both sides of the political spectrum admiring his work. When he became vice president in December 1973, the scandals were in total progress and continued to worsen.

He was entrusted with a very difficult task due to the evidence against Nixon, and the vice president had to stay away from the scandal. He managed to gracefully avoid it and later was called to replace Nixon as President in August 1974.

9. John Adams (1789-1797)

John Adams was the first person entrusted with the vice presidency of the US and those who followed looked up to him. Throughout his term, his opinions did not always align with those of President George Washington.

However, Adams stood out as a strong and reliable leader as the President of the Senate. The official website of the Senate confirms that John Adams holds the record for the most tie-breaking votes in history, with approximately 30 separate votes.

Adans was a highly influential politician, and during his term, he was able to exert significant power and influence over the country’s policies. Certainly, the people loved him because later in 1797 he was elected as the President of the United States.

vice president
Photo by Evan El-Amin from Shutterstock

8. Joe Biden (2009-2016)

Joe Biden has been in the spotlight for many years and as Vice President, he played an active role in decision-making. Biden was a highly involved and dedicated advisor to President Barack Obama.

Biden had a very smart strategy. He advocated for different viewpoints than the President’s to show the people that all perspectives were considered when making decisions.

As mentioned, he was a highly active vice president, leading the Gun Violence Task Force while also overseeing the infrastructure spending in Obama’s stimulus package.

Biden did not stay on the sidelines when it comes to legislation. He got involved in the passage of the American Taxpayer Act of 2012 and supported the reauthorization of his own Violence Against Woman Act.

Today, Biden is the President of the United States and his term is questioned by many citizens. Here are 7 Weirdest Things Joe Biden Does at the White House

7. Dick Cheney (2001-2009)

Was Dick Cheney the mastermind behind the second Bush administration? Many argue that he was, but it is a highly debatable subject.

What we know for certain is that Cheney played a crucial role in the White House between 2001 and 2009, bringing with him something that Bush lacked entirely – expertise in foreign policy.

After 9/11, Vice President Dick Cheney took the lead in the anti-terrorism movement. He claimed that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that there were connections between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. Thus, he spearheaded the Warr on Terror, ensuring the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques”.

It is said that one of Cheney’s greatest achievements was reducing and balancing accusations of “anti-intellectualism” directed toward George W. Bush.

6. Harry S. Truman (1945)

Vice President Harry S. Truman had one of the shortest terms in American history. His 82 days as Vice President could not provide him with enough time to make a significant impact, but after the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he was thrust into the Oval Office.

Before the president’s death, Truman had a challenging task. Even though he did not aspire to this position, he handled it with excellence and made a name for himself in the Senate.

Once they reached the end of World War II, Truman attempted to bring the country back to a secure and peaceful position as people were still fearful. The 82 days passed quickly, and he had to serve his country from a higher office.

5. Al Gore (1993 – 2001)

Al Gore served as Vice President during Bill Clinton’s presidency. Many vice presidents are seen as providing support, power, and balancing the president, but Gore, to a greater or lesser extent, mirrored Clinton’s views.

This strategy seemed to work, as the people began to increasingly appreciate them, seeing that their duo was yielding results.

Al Gore, on his own, was highly active and interested in technology and the environment. Many believe that it was thanks to Gore that the dot-com boom occurred and that the American economy thrived during that period.

At the same time, his significant role in global awareness regarding climate change and the initiatives he led continue to influence people today.

4. Lyndon B. Johnson (1961 – 1963)

Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency is heavily criticized, but his vice presidency was overall a success. He played an important part in establishing the responsibilities of a vice president, which are still in practice today.

History tells us that the relationship between Lyndon B. Johnson and the Kennedy brothers was quite tense. In order to sideline him from their equation, they reduced Johnson from vice president to head of the President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunities.

LBJ did an excellent job as his work on the Committee later helped lay the foundation for the enactment of civil rights legislation when he became president.

Another accolade for Johnson is that he succeeded in convincing JFK to send a man to the Moon, which was also a remarkable achievement.

3. Richard Nixon (1953 – 1961)

If we discussed the controversy surrounding Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency, it is worth mentioning that the criticism directed at Nixon’s presidency surpasses that of LBJ.

Despite being heavily criticized, Nixon was a capable and powerful vice president. Richard Nixon is also known as the “first modern vice president” of the United States.

Prior to becoming VP, he served as a senior advisor in Dwight D. Eisenhower’s administration and was involved in cabinet meetings and the National Security Council.

After Eisenhower suffered a heart attack in 1955, Nixon performed admirably for those six weeks. However, what makes his vice presidency renowned is the fact that Nixon forged strong connections with other countries: China and the USSR.

2. Walter Mondale (1977 – 1981)

Walter Mondale is one of the vice presidents who made history and stood out for the power he obtained during his term. He served the country during Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

Vice President Mondale was one of the few who had an office in the White House and received the same classified information as the president, having regular lunches with the Commander-in-Chief.

He played a significant role in advancing human rights recognition and championing social justice. His contributions to the office and commitment to public service have strengthened his reputation as a very strong a capable leader in American politics.

If you’d like to know more about our vice presidents you can read the book The Vice Presidents: Biographies of 45 Men Who Have Held the Second Highest Office in the United States

vice president
Photo by Everett Collection from Shutterstock

1. Theodore Roosevelt (1901)

Teddy Roosevelt, a rugged cowboy with a passion for political reform, took an intriguing path to the Vice Presidency.

Despite being popular as the Governor of New York among his constituents but not with the state’s Republicans, Roosevelt was selected as William McKinley’s running mate for the vice presidency. As it seems, it was a way to remove him from New York politics and place him in a role with limited power and influence.

However, true to his character, Roosevelt showcased his strong attributes by extensively campaigning for McKinley throughout the country, making nearly 500 stops across 23 states.

His renowned energy electrified the campaign trail and played a significant role in the Republicans’ victorious election. This energy also proved invaluable when Roosevelt had to step up as President following McKinley’s assassination.

What do you think about these 10 vice presidents? Did we miss anyone? Leave your comments down below.

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