3 Ways the Chinese Try to Turn American Voters Against Each Other

Chinese intelligence
Photo by Broadcast Media from Shutterstock

Chinese intelligence creates fake content for the social media feeds of Americans.

Moreover, they are constantly denigrating US political figures and symbols. Analysts from the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center released a recent report that stands as proof of all the digital threats that are coming from China and North Korea.

They also stated that Chinese operatives are trying to influence their targets like never before. Microsoft warned of social media accounts that might have been affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, which would post AI-generated images such as BLM posters showing bullet holes and an African-American man surrending.

A couple of hours after the Black Lives Matter poster was uploaded, an account impersonating a conservative US voter decided to retweet the image, complaining about racial discrimination. But we have another cited example: an AI-generated poster of the Statue of Liberty, holding an assault rifle, with the caption “The Goddess of Violence”.

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One Response

  1. Do what I do, stay away from all political news and then just vote for the Republican of your choice but vote. Ha ha ha. An old line from a 1960 JFK First Family comedy album that said “Vote for the Kennedy of your choice but vote. “

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