The new surveys also addressed issues like immigration, and the results showed that Trump and the Republicans came out on top. However, when it comes to abortion, the Times found that Biden is still seen as more trustworthy among respondents.
Times participants also said that, regarding the issue of democracy, they preferred the current president over Trump, who’s facing four criminal trials, including one centered on allegations that he actively conspired to repeal the 2020 election results.
The fact that the survey conducted by the New York Times and Silena College concluded Biden trails Trump in five of the six most important battleground states doesn’t match with those polls, which showed that many Americans don’t think much of Trump’s indictment.
The thing about surveys is that they only reveal tendencies, not how exactly things are. However, those tendencies can turn into the belief that one side is good and the other is bad, thus choosing the one you’re in.
Moving on with the results of the New York Times and Silena College polls, another reason why Biden trails Trump is because a majority of women said they preferred the ex-president. When it comes to respondents under 30, Biden’s advantage among them has slipped to only 1%, despite their strong support for the Democrat in 2020.
And support for the current president also went down on the age question, with over 70% of voters to the Times survey saying the 80-year-old Biden (who turns 81 later this November) is too old to be chef of state, while only 19% said the same of Trump, who’s 77.
Another reason why Biden trails Trump in the poll results is because many respondents expressed their concerns about the president’s mental acuity, which isn’t the same as in a younger person. According to 60% of voters, Mr. Biden doesn’t have the “mental sharpness” to be effective.
One Response
I do believe as am sure others do, if someone is dealing with criminal charges they should not be allowed to run for any elected office.