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Trump Pledges to ‘roll Back’ Biden Gun Rules, Fire ATF Chief at NRA Rally

  • Republican candidate Donald Trump makes sweet promises to the NRA members about gun control.

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump promised to unravel gun regulations set in place by Democratic President Joe Biden during a rather long speech to the National Rifle Association on Saturday, during which he accepted the influential group’s endorsement.

The address to all the NRA members present at the group’s annual Leadership Forum in Dallas was quite light on the new policy. Nevertheless, he used the platform as a call to action for all gun supporters to vote in the November election.

“We need to get gun owners to vote,” as he stated in his speech, which covered many things, from his criminal trials all the way to trade and immigration, over more than 90 minutes. “I believe you are a rebellious bunch. But let’s be rebellious and vote this time.”

The nation’s top gun rights group has been endorsing for the third time the former President: once in 2016, 2020, and now.

Trump, Biden gun
Photo by Zerbor from Shutterstock

As expected, the organization cheered on Trump during his 2017–2021 term, especially since he appointed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court and also took a series of steps sought by the gun lobby.

That also included designating firearm shops as important businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing them to stay open. During his speech, Trump repeated a pledge to fire the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, also known as the ATF, on Day One of his potential administration.

He further accused that agency, which generally enforces U.S. gun laws, of being way too heavy-handed with firearm owners and revoking licenses on frivolous grounds. Republicans mainly oppose stricter gun laws, stating the right to bear arms is fully established by the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.

That particular stance remained fixed, even after a steady stream of mass shootings that have led to multiple calls from many Democrats to consider and impose additional controls on guns. As Trump stated, ”

In my second term, we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment. The attacks are coming fast and furious.” Following his latest speech on the matter, the Biden campaign accused the Republican candidate of prioritizing the desires of the gun lobby over public safety.

According to a statement released by Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa, “Donald Trump confirmed he will do exactly what the NRA tells him to do—even if it would imply more death, more shootings, and more suffering.”

Trump repeatedly addressed the false claim that he won the 2020 election. He went after Biden in quite an aggressive manner, repeating old claims of corruption that aren’t supported by any kind of reliable evidence.

Moreover, Trump unleashed a torrent of attacks on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who recently decided to run as a distant third, siphoning off votes from both frontrunners.

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