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Shocking: Which 5 Royal Family Members Are the Shadiest?

Mirror, mirror on the wall… Who’s the shadiest royal family member of all?

The royal family and the United Kingdom lost its most popular and beloved royal when Queen Elizabeth ll passed away on September 8th, 2022, at 96 years old, after reigning for 70 years.

We’ve entered a new era of King Charles, and only time will tell whether the former Prince of Wales will truly modernize the institution, as he has vowed, or whether he will continue to perpetuate its previous troublesome past.

Truth be told, shadiness seems to be in the Windsor DNA, with each royal family member exhibiting varying degrees of suspect behavior.

And even though an incredible amount of mostly negative media focus has been put on Meghan and Harry in recent years, are they the WORST?

From offensive microaggressions and bullying claims to alleged hush money and even possible treason, today we want to find out which 5 royal family members are the shadiest.

The last one will probably shock you!

Royal Family
Photo by Shaun Jeffers at Shutterstock

Prince Harry has spilled all the dirt

When he was younger, Prince Harry was known to be somewhat of a troublemaker. He often found himself in tabloids due to tales of his supposed partying ways.

Many of us remember when in 2005, he showed off a Nazi uniform at a costume party, an act that guaranteed his status as a controversial figure within the royal family. Nevertheless, he has since publicly apologized for the costume.

And by doing this, he has dragged his family into an uproar. In more recent years, when he left his royal duties behind, the prince has been spilling some serious tea about his relatives and the public relishes in it.

For instance, in his memoir “Spare,” he declared that it was Kate Middleton and Prince William who pressed him to sport the offensive attire. Harry remembered getting ready for the party and not being sure about which costume he should get: Nazi regalia or a pilot’s uniform.

Apparently, when he asked his brother and sister-in-law for their opinion, “They both howled. Worse than Willy’s leotard outfit! Way more ridiculous! Which, again, was the point.”

Despite the uniform allegedly not being his idea, the royal family member admitted that he deserved the public backlash that ensued. But it doesn’t stop there. He made other eye-popping and shady acknowledgments in his memoir.

Harry also revealed that while he was on duty in Afghanistan, he killed 25 enemy soldiers. He was heavily blasted for his actions, with some accusing him of using a discourse that degraded Afghan soldiers.

Fergie’s spotty finances

Why aren’t we talking about Prince Andrew, who we know to be shadiest of all? Trust us. You’ll want to know about this tidbit regarding his ex-wife instead!

Sarah Ferguson doesn’t exactly have a squeaky-clean reputation herself. She first caused some controversy amid the infamous scandal of 1992, in which she was photographed lying topless on a beach with her extramarital lover, who nipped at her toes.

Since then, all bets were off, and her finances have come under considerable public scrutiny. For many years, this royal family member was knee-deep in debt.

And in 2010, she tried to alleviate her money troubles by offering a wealthy financier, who was actually an undercover reporter, unlimited access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, in exchange for over $500,000.

The deal was caught on tape, with Fergie seeming glowing as she was shown a vast pile of cash. When the agreement was made public, she regretted the humiliating blunder. But eventually, Fergie was able to pay off her debts…with the help of none other than: Jeffrey Epstein!

The royal family member accepted considerable amounts of money from the convicted felon, which she has since apologized for.

However, she did admit that thanks to the payment, she was unburdened from debt for the first time ever but vowed to do good with her newfound financial freedom.

Royal Family
Photo by Shaun Jeffers at Shutterstock

Is Kate Middleton a secret mean girl?

The British press has been painting Kate Middleton as a virtuous and pristine princess for a very long time. But she’s actually proven to be a pretty shady figure of the royal family. At the core of this shadiness is her relationship with her sister-in-law Meghan.

Middleton has often been accused of subtly shading Markle in public spaces. This alleged hostility came to the forefront following Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding in 2018 when there were statements that the bride made Middleton cry after a dispute over flower arrangements.

But, speaking to Oprah Winfrey in 2021, Markle dispelled these rumors, alleging that it was the other way around. Despite this, Markle was depicted as a villainous royal family member in the British press.

A Medium essay argued that the public narrative of Markle making Middleton cry aided in facilitating a racist hate campaign against the former, bolstered by the fact that Middleton failed to come to her sister-in-law’s aid by publicly defending her against said hate.

Also, the outlet alleged that “Kate weaponized [the idea of] white woman tears” to her advantage. Historically speaking, white women have been accused of crying on cue when confronted by Black people to play the victim when they were the ones who were in the wrong.

Prince Edward was nicknamed Air Miles Eddie for manipulating public finances

Prince Edward has long seemed the odd one out of all the royal family members. A failed TV personality and film producer, he caused major public controversy back in 2001 when his production company filmed Prince William at school without his permission.

Since then, Prince Edward has been somewhat of an aimless figure in the family. That doesn’t mean he isn’t able to fill his free time with lots of jet-setting and messing around, though. And in doing so, he has apparently racked up a pretty hefty tab for British taxpayers.

In fact, the prince’s carbon footprint isn’t so much a footprint as it is a gaping crack! Rather than drive or take public transport, this royal family member prefers to use a private helicopter for 80-minute trips, at the cost of £3,000 (that’s $3,700 to us) of the taxpayers, according to the Daily Mail.

Also, he decided to fly from Staffordshire to Bournemouth, which are only 150 miles apart, during a reported jet-setting day that amounted to a £10,000 ($12,400) bill for the British people.

Reps for Prince Edward have said that he has no choice but to fly by private jet since public transport would cause commuters too much of an uproar.

Royal Family
Photo by Alessia Pierdomenico at Shutterstock

Elizabeth II was the queen of shady stunts

Hold on to your crown for this one… We told you that the last royal family member we would mention might shock you! Despite being a seemingly benevolent figure loved by royalists worldwide, Queen Elizabeth II was apparently somewhat shady.

According to eagle-eyed royalists, the late queen often used her colorful attire as a subtle way of side-eyeing her frenemies, seeing as royals must adhere to a strict code of conduct. But she wasn’t just a pro at throwing shade. She was also involved in sketchy financial dealings.

Notably, she lobbied the government to conceal her private wealth from the public in the 1970s. She was also named in newspapers as one of many wealthy people hiding their money in offshore tax havens.

Considering the queen’s money was earned through public finances, these revelations were particularly damning and starkly contrasted with the personable public image she tried to grow.

Likewise, there were reports that this royal family member paid more than $2 million to help pay Prince Andrew’s legal fees following his settlement with Virginia Giuffre, who accused him of abuse.

And you guessed it: payments like these would basically come out of the public purse.

Make sure you let us know what you think about all these shady dealings in the royal family. If you’re as captivated by them as we are, Amazon has an interesting read on their future HERE!

And if you liked this post, we also recommend reading: These Are the 4 Most Corrupt Politicians in America

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