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What Perks Do US Presidents Get AFTER Leaving the White House?

Photo by KPG-Payless at Shutterstock

7. Funeral costs

We know that it might sound unsettling, but one of the first tasks that a new commander-in-chief gets is to plan their own funeral. At the moment they pass away, they can benefit from a state funeral, and in this way, the nation can say goodbye to them. The funeral will be planned in accordance with the preferences of the former president and their family.

Today, when we think of a state funeral, the first things that come to mind are the lowered flags, the flag-draped coffin, the flight of twenty-one fighter aircraft, and the gunfire salutes. These are all presidential funeral traditions, and we have witnessed them at most funerals of presidents or former presidents.

The Washington Military District oversees these protocols, but in the end, the family of the former president is the one who determines the specific rites and rituals.

If you want to find out more about the lives of former presidents after they left the Oval Office, this book might be a good starting point.

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