Top 5 Reasons Why Biden Might Lose the 2024 Elections

jen psaki, biden
Image By danielfela From Shutterstock

2. Biden is thought to be a shaky candidate

Many citizens consider Biden a shaky candidate, and that can be seen if we take a look at his approval rating. According to sources, he’s been in the low 40s or something lately, and if we were to take as an example what has happened in the past, we could say that these numbers can predict the political future of the country, at least for the next 4 years.

Here’s the insight: normally, politicians who are elected presidents get rather close to their approval rating in terms of voting support. Barack Obama and Donald Trump, for instance, only got 1-2 points more support than their approval ratings when it was time for the election to come.

So, based on this rule, Biden is going to lose big time if his low 40-something percent stays like that until election day. It’s sure that these numbers can change until the big day comes, but according to history, the difference wasn’t huge.

Barack Obama was the best performer a couple of years ago, with his approval rating being higher by over 4 points, and we already know that he was president twice in a row. Even if Biden’s numbers go up, it still doesn’t guarantee him victory.

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8 Responses

    1. You have Got to be kidding! No One is more immoral than Trump. By Far the Worst President the US has ever had. No other President has ever tried to overthrow the government and encouraged his followers to do so.
      Just saying.

  1. I believe that abortion is a tragic and personal experience. Both of my adult children (ages 33 and 32) needed to get rid of unviable pregnancies!!! Both children required professional help dealing with their abortions. This was gut wrenching for them and the future grandparents. This issue should be between a women, her husband and her doctor. Absolutely, NOT politics!!!

  2. I don’t agree with abortion. But with that being said iI don’t think it should not be a political issue.

  3. Eddie, I totally agree with you.
    Robert, can you back up that foolish statement? I’ll agree he’s not the greatest president ever, but compared to Trump and baby Bush, his head and shoulders above both of them when you say immoral, what do you mean? That belongs to Trump by a long shot.

  4. Trump must not use so many negative adjectives toward his opponents and give the news a little break though they are severely misleading. remind the public that he is open to news people for questions where as what did Biden do? He turned his back to them and thus the public.

  5. I really don’t know what the HIDDEN POLICIES are but know for sure that the cost of living has gone up almost 22% since Biden took over, he is more towards the hidden illegals then the actual US born people, at 700 per day entering the US, something is going to change more crimes because life is getting hard for all regular paid people, this falls into lots of categories

  6. Biden has been a much better President than expected. Republican propaganda would make you think he was a feebling idiot, but he has made them look bad time and time again, while trying to be bipartisan. Biden is the adult in the room. The democrats have done a good job governing, while the Republicans right now are sniping. If we look at what the republicans are offering, I would prefer to stay with the sane and stable Biden, over the clown car the republicans are bringing to the table.

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