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Harris and Trump’s ‘Awkward’ Moments During Debate Commercial Breaks

Harris and Trump
Photo by Below the Sky from Shutterstock

How awkward was it?

The entire thing was pretty weird, and as sources say, there was so much tension in the air, that you could’ve cut it with a knife. Thirty seconds before the break ended, Trump returned to the stage. He avoided looking at Harris and she avoided looking at him. To distract herself, the female politician fiddled with her collar a little. Up until the show’s restart, both contestants were staring straight ahead. Once more, not a word was said.

During a commercial break, Harris had another off-camera interaction. She shut her notepad and left the stage, hardly even giving Trump a sidelong glance. We guess it’s safe to say they’re not big fans of one another.

Mr. Donald, on the other hand, stayed on stage for a further ten or so seconds before leaving with a leisurely gait. He came back on stage just as the commercial break ended, jotted something down on a piece of paper, and closed his pen.

Sources added that moments afterward, Harris also entered the stage and jotted down a note on her notepad. They didn’t even exchange glances. Trump straightened his suit and tie as he stared forward. There was only a countdown to air time during the whole commercial break, and if they didn’t have to change a word, they didn’t engage in any conversations.

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One Response

  1. The debate, imho, was a 3 against 1 debate. The moderators favored VP Harris. They didn’t ask follow-up questions to VP Harris but had plenty for Trump. No fact checking for Harris but plenty for Trump. ABC is a liberal network with leftist leanings and it showed with the poor conduct of the moderators.

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