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Is Biden’s Health as Bad as It Looks? White House Doctors Say…

What’s going on with Biden’s health?

The White House still has to face some questions about President Biden’s health following his debate performance last month, which led even top Democrats to be concerned about his condition.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the press secretary of the White House, told reporters that Biden doesn’t have Parkinson’s disease, dementia, or other degenerative neurological disorders. According to the White House, Biden’s health was closely monitored, and he has had a neurological exam each year at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

November 2021, February 2023, and February 2024—this is when the president had his exams. He visited a neurologist only three times.

However, the White House had to correct or clarify statements several times. At first, there was a visit by Dr. Kevin Cannard to the White House, which was noted in the visitor’s log, but it was said that this visit was not related to the health of the president.

Later, after the Associated Press reported that Cannard had met with the president in January, Jean-Pierre changed her statement and said that the January 17th meeting between Dr. O’Connor and Dr. Cannard was about the president’s physical. This was the third time Dr. Cannard had seen Biden. The other two times were the same, for the physical exams. Also, the result of each exam was shared with the public.

biden's health
Image By Simone Previdi From Shutterstock

What is the White House saying about these meetings?

The White House confirmed that Dr. Kevin Cannard is the one who performed all three of President Biden’s neurological exams. At first, they declined to comment on the matter, but now it seems things are clear.

Rumors were saying that Cannard had been seen at the White House at least eight times in the past year. This created some tense moments between the press and Jean-Pierre, but she assured the reporters that the doctor was there many times because he was actively supporting the people working at the White House Medical Unit.

There are military personnel who have to deal with neurological issues due to their service, and Cannard’s visits are part of his neurology practice and are not related to Biden’s health.

What the president’s physical exams reveal about his neurological health

All of the president’s physical exams have reported the same findings about his neurological health and said that there are no signs of neurological disorders. There are zero indicators of cerebellar disorders that affect coordination and balance. Also, there were no central neurological disorders that could cause damage to the brain or spinal cord.

If we go back to O’Connor’s November 2021 report, we can easily see that we are talking about a quite thorough neurological exam that showed no signs of conditions like stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Later, the February 2024 report said the same: nothing was wrong. So, the conclusion is simple: there have been no findings to suggest any serious neurological issues.

The White House will keep sharing these details because it wants to maintain an open dialogue about Biden’s health. They are transparent, and we are curious about what they are going to share next.

Neurological exams or neurocognitive testing? What’s the difference?

So, what we know is that the president has undergone neurological exams as part of his physical check-ups, but he hasn’t taken any detailed cognitive tests. ABC News asked Biden why he didn’t have any cognitive tests, and his response was, “No one said I had to.”

Going through a basic neurological exam is simple. Maybe you will have to touch your nose with your fingers; doctors will check your sensitivity to heat and cold, and they will also check your arm strength. It’s not complicated, right?

Generally, these exams don’t take longer than 10 minutes, and no one is sure how extensive Biden’s exams were. One thing is clear: They probably followed this basic format. This means we can’t be sure about Biden’s health.

On the other hand, cognitive testing is much more complex, and it can take a few hours to complete. The Cleveland Clinic says that during a test like this, you’ll have to write and draw in order to measure various brain functions such as thinking, memory, communication, and motor skills.

With a cognitive test, doctors can diagnose issues that might not be apparent when a short, casual neurological exam is conducted. As we said, right now, Mr. Biden has not undergone any cognitive tests, and this has raised some concerns.

Nerve damage and degenerative spine changes

According to all three reports about Biden’s health, he has a stiff walk. Dr. O’Connor noted this in 2021, and the president’s gait has become stiffer and stiffer each year. Some possible reasons that are tied to his medical history were mentioned, but a detailed check is still necessary.

In February 2024, reports said that his stiff walk was probably caused by degenerative changes in his spine due to osteoarthritis. Biden has spondylosis, which is a condition that affects the spine. Over time, the spine wears, which can affect the gait. This is also called osteoarthritis.

Also, the latest reports showed that the president also has peripheral neuropathy. This is a condition that damages the nerves and can also cause numbness, pain, and a poor response to hot or cold in feet.

The White House will keep releasing health reports to keep the public informed about Biden’s health.

Does he have any other health conditions?

After looking at Biden’s 2024 physical report, he was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. This is a condition that was recognized recently and was not present in previous reports. The White House confirmed the diagnosis after reporters saw marks on the president’s face that matched those made by a CPAP machine.

Besides sleep apnea, the reports about Biden’s health mentioned his A-fib, also known as non-valvular atrial fibrillation. This is a condition that causes irregular heartbeats without affecting the valves. But despite being diagnosed with A-fib, Biden is not showing any symptoms.

biden's health
Image By Radiological imaging From Shutterstock

A history of aneurysms

When he was 45 years old in 1988, Biden faced a health crisis. At first, they thought it was just a simple pinched nerve, but it turned out to be so much worse. Two brain aneurysms were discovered.

These aneurysms caused blood to leak into his spinal fluid, putting him in a life-threatening situation. The situation was so severe that a priest was called in to give the last rites. But Jill Biden was extremely worried, burst into the room, and yelled, “You’re not giving him the last rites. He’s not going to die.”

Fortunately, President Biden underwent two successful surgeries the same year, and his aneurysms were treated.

Does he receive medical care on a regular basis?

Yes, he has regular health check-ins with his doctor. This happens twice a week while he is working out, according to Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Also, she explains that the president’s medical office is very close to the White House residence, just a few steps from where he lives. This is what makes it so easy for him to have these quick health check-ins during his exercise sessions.

If you want to learn more about President Biden and his life this book can be a good start: Joe Biden: The Life, the Run, and What Matters Now

You should also read: Trump and John F. Kennedy Shootings: Similarities and Differences

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